Berchem-Sainte-Agathe - Sint-Agatha-Berchem

Looking for somewhere to go out in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe - Sint-Agatha-Berchem this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Berchem-Sainte-Agathe - Sint-Agatha-Berchem for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?

Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Glenn Wool Luv(Sic). Find out what plays are on in February, March and April and find out what you can do with your family this week. Throughout the year, you can enjoy one-man and one-woman shows, comedy, contemporary and classical theatre.

  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C


100+ events found
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Déprises et .NEMO, c'est 2 spectacles de 25 minutes dans une seule représentation, un spectacle de théâtre et un spectacle de danse. Tous deux allient vidéo, musique et danse. Déprises c'est de
IMPROSHOW | 13 février 2025 à 20h L'IMPROSHOW c'est Un spectacle d'improvisation basé sur VOS sujets d'i
Au moment où l’Europe replonge dans les eaux sombres du nationalisme et des extrêmes droites, Bérangère Vantusso s’empare de cette œuvre majeure du théâtre d’après-guerre, écrite par Ionesco en éch
Impro Brussels Stageworks presents: 8 Worlds* Your stories, reimagined live! Have you ever shared a memory that sparked something bigger? In Eight Worlds, your stories become the seed
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Le poumon, c’est l’organe de la tristesse chez les Chinois, paraît-il. Alors, je me demande… Pourquoi il s’inflige ça ? Pourquoi il n’arrête pas ? Les questions affluent dans ma tête, face à ce pap
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