Sound, materials and bodies come together to create a succession of dreamlike
landscapes that choreographer Eszter Salamon calls ‘dynamic monochromes’.
Combining humanoid forms, shimmering
Dancein Meise
Looking for somewhere to go out in Meise this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Meise for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?
Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Monument 0.10 : The Living Monument • Eszter Salamon Carte Blanche – Compagnie nationale norvégienne de danse contemporaine.
62 events found
When humans wage war, the landscape suffers injury. What would a piece of land
with a bomb crater in it have to say? How can we humans hear the voices of the
animals, plants, stones and soil when t
Choreographer Eszter Salamon uses a broad range of formats and expressions when
she explores contemporary themes. The Living Monument is built on still life,
slowness and the presence of the body.
In her “anti-monument” shows, Eszter Salamon attempts to create a form that
links the past, present and future. Since 2014 the choreographer has been
questioning monumentality as a place of reinven
It is said that during colonial times, in the Bolivian Andean Plateau, the river
Desaguadero and its uncontrollable nature were demonized as ‘the Devil’ by
colonial settlers. Since then, the river
After 19xBXL, Les Halles welcomes back the duo t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e (Pierre
Larauza and Emmanuelle Vincent) with La meute, their new choreographic creation
for 6 performers set to the live music
3D/AV Live show by Irish audiovisual artist
********** Français **********
Spectacle 3D/AV en direct par un artiste audiovisuel irlandais
********** Nederlands
Lily neemt jou en je peuter mee op een dansavontuur met vrolijke Nederlandse
hits, van de swingende liedjes van Flemming tot de catchy tunes van Camille. Er
is voor iedereen wel iets om op te danse
Subtle Whine is an audiovisual and performative landscape that explores the
subtle nuances and mechanics of whining - not the English cry, but the the
gyration of the hips to the rhythms of Caribbe
De multi-getalenteerde electronica artiest Mezerg is een pionier op het vlak van
moderne muziektechnologie en een van de meest creatieve muzikanten die je gaat
tegenkomen. Met handen en voeten
In his latest solo performance, choreographer Radouan Mriziga takes us to the
Atlas Mountains. In a ritual performance, he sheds light on the different layers
of meaning surrounding the famous moun
A solitary figure wanders around quoting excerpts from songs lyrics,
philosophical texts and speeches by important figures in Western culture. An
escape movement is activated by cycles of repetitio
Multi-talented electronica artist Mezerg is a pioneer of modern music technology
and one of the most creative musicians you are going to come across. With hands
and feet attached to his instrument,
Après avoir célébré leur 25e anniversaire par une série de concerts à guichets
fermés à travers l’Europe , le groupe iconique de Els Pynnoo et Danny Mommens,
annonce la sortie de nouvelles cha