Culture in

Looking for somewhere to go out in Molenbeek this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Molenbeek for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?

Discover the cultural events agenda for Molenbeek with concerts, exhibitions and festivals in February, March and April and find out what to do with the family this week. Consult the cultural venues guide in Molenbeek such as théâtre Varia to find out what's on this week.

  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C


100+ events found
Angie and Pat have been a happy and wealthy lesbian couple in their 60s for last 30 years, living in Pat's flat in Hong Kong. Their friends and relatives respect and adore their relationship. One n
In the heart of a colonial plantation, living and dead creatures parade by and cross paths, guided by the mischievous and enigmatic voice of a child. Straight out of the carnivale-like imagination
This projection by Elektro Moon Vision studio highlights the vibrancy and resonance of European visual art heritage. Utilising the interplay of light, vivid 3D frames and echoes of histori
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, László Toth, un architecte juif né en Hongrie, survivant d'un camp de concentration, émigre aux Etats-Unis avec son épouse Erzsébet pour connaître son "rêve améric
Ingrid et Martha, amies de longue date, ont débuté leur carrière au sein du même magazine. Lorsqu’Ingrid devient romancière à succès et Martha, reporter de guerre, leurs chemins se séparent. Mais d
Après la mort du pape, les cardinaux du monde entier se réunissent lors de l’élection la plus secrète au monde pour élire un nouveau chef spirituel mondial. Le diacre du Collège des cardinaux, malg
Tarek, 27 ans, combattant de MMA, reçoit une opportunité unique d’offrir une vie meilleure à sa mère et son petit frère Fouad. Mais dans une ville comme Bruxelles, pour réaliser un tel rêve, il fau
Lorsqu'une jeune femme découvre qu'elle est en fait un robot compagnon piraté par son petit ami, elle s'enfuit... mais se retrouve traquée par ses amis, envoyés pour la ramener chez lui.

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