Un jeudi sur deux, les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique accueillent
l’association Les Midis du Cinéma pour 4 séances présentant un film sur l’art en
rapport avec l’actualité artistique./
Cinemain Auderghem - Oudergem
Looking for somewhere to go out in Auderghem - Oudergem this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Auderghem - Oudergem for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?
Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Midis du Cinéma - Modigliani - Soutine, Derniers bohèmes de Montparnasse. Find out which films are showing in March, April and May and find out which cinemas are showing them. All year round, you can go and see your favourite films, whether new releases or classics.
100+ events found
Lynch's debut (a cross between European avant-garde and American gothic) about a
schmuck who becomes the father of a little monster. This hit on the American
midnight circuit also became Europe's c
The curated selection of films opens up a conversation on the delicate and often
fraught interplay between what is kept intimate and what becomes exposed.
The second night explores the rev
Au menu de cette édition, une lecture du Carnaval sous un angle poétique et
politique, sur fond de festivité et de musique.
Après la projection, discussion autour de leurs films avec Bruno Casa
Si la police de San Francisco ne remet pas immédiatement 200 000 dollars à un
homme qui vient de commettre un crime, il recommencera au rythme d'un assassinat
par jour. L'inspecteur Harry C
Practiced as a series of exercises in examining assembling as a methodology for
resistance, “An Exercise in Assembling” is an ongoing study of perpetual
recurrences: political, bodily, archival and
Ernest Cole, a South African photographer was the first to expose the horrors of
apartheid to a world audience. His book House of Bondage, published in 1967 when
he was only 27 years old, led him i
Join us for the March edition of VR Film Screening, a monthly event dedicated to
immersive storytelling.
This series offers a fresh perspective on VR cinema and features a curated
selection of
Mriya International Film Festival – A Global Platform for Powerful Storytelling
The Mriya International Film Festival is an international platform founded by
Ukrainian refugees, dedicated
Let’s Get Lost est un portrait fascinant du légendaire trompettiste de jazz et
icône de style Chet Baker, réalisé en 1988 par le photographe Bruce Weber. Il ne
s’agit pas d’un documentaire classiqu
Grace Pudel, une collectionneuse d’escargots passionnée de lecture, voit sa vie
chamboulée lorsqu’elle est séparée de son frère jumeau Gilbert. Entre malheurs
et solitude, elle retrouve espoir grâc
During this session, members of La Voix des sans papiers (VSP) de Bruxelles will
talk about the current state of affairs in the world and how to self-organize
within an occupation. Elie Maissin and
Op vrijdag 14 maart nodigen we je uit voor deze muzikale film met achteraf een
optreden van het Guy Vaerendonck Kwartet en de muziekacademie van Ukkel, op die
manier komt de film helemaal tot leven
The Mediateca Abotcha project is a cultural initiative fostering dreams and
utopias with the local community. It started as a project to rescue
Guinea-Bissau’s militant cinema archive and became a