Théâtre-comédie Espèces menaçéesUne comédie en 2 actesAu profit de la Croix
Rouge de Plestin les Grèves
Showin Tréduder
Looking for somewhere to go out in Tréduder this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Tréduder for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?
Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Les Bons jours ensemble. Find the shows in January, February and March and enjoy the best performances in your town. Throughout the year, you can enjoy one-man and one-woman shows, circus and dance.
2 events found
Un lieu inconnu. Pénombre. Brume vaporeuse.Soudain apparaissent Claude François
et Michel Polnareff.- Claude ?- Michel ?- Claude.- Michel. Qu’est-ce que tu fais
là ?En effet, que fait-il ici ? Ou p