Plongez au coeur du hip hop avec la Block Party - Cie Burnout et Jann Gallois.
Découvrez un déchainement musical et dansé où les tubes cultes rencontrent le
break et le popping. Voyagez dans le tem
Nightlifein Saint-Prix
Looking for somewhere to go out in Saint-Prix this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Saint-Prix for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?
Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Block Party. Check out the not-to-be-missed evenings in March, April and May and enjoy yourself until the end of the night. Throughout the year, you'll find a varied programme of nightclubs and alternative nights.
2 events found
Le célèbre label français Ed Banger s'empare du festival Madame Loyal le temps
d'une édition spéciale le 26 avril 2025. Au programme un line-up aux petits
oignons réunissant notamment Metronomy, Br