Amour conjugal et manipulation, un thriller psychologique réussi"Dis-moi juste
que tu m'aimes" De Anne Le Ny. Avec Omar Sy, Élodie Bouchez, Vanessa Paradis
Au bout
Cinemain Pomeys
Looking for somewhere to go out in Pomeys this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Pomeys for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?
Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Cinéma itinérant. Find out which films are showing in March, April and May and find out which cinemas are showing them. All year round, you can go and see your favourite films, whether new releases or classics.
2 events found
Pendant un week-end, la MJC fait son show ! Retrouvez les adhérents, leurs
professeurs, artistes de la MJC pour pratiquer et découvrir ensemble l'éducation
populaire en MJC (cinéma en plain air, in