Vengan a reírse y a conectar con otros latinos e hispanos de la región en este
fantástico show de comedia stand-up ¡debido al éxito obtenido, de regreso en
ComedyVariousin Paris
Looking for somewhere to go out in Paris this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Paris for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?
Here's the programme of the most popular events taking place in March, April and May and find out what to do in the city this week.
3 events found
Le meilleur Comédie Club de Saint-Denis rouvre ses portes pour le plaisir de
tous ! #4ème édition.
Descriptif :
Star of Netflix, Comedy Central and Very British Problems, Tom Houghton is
returning to Europe in 2025 with his new hilarious show. After a phenomenal,
sold-out, international tour in 2024,