
Looking for somewhere to go out in Diemen this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Diemen for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?

Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as IamExpat Fair Amsterdam 2025. Find the festivals not to be missed in March, April and May and take advantage of the best events. Throughout the year, you'll find a varied programme of festivals near your town.

  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C


10 events found
At the IamExpat Fair, the biggest expat event in the Netherlands, internationals can find everything they need in one location, on one day! This year, the IamExpat Fair on March 8 will take
PAGA TERA: Een mode- en kunstervaring ter ere van onze voorouders De Afro-Caribische kunstenaar David Paulus nodigt u uit voor PAGA TERA, een unieke modeshow die de diepgaande connect

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