Music & Concert

Looking for somewhere to go out in Chaussin this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Chaussin for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?

Here's the programme of the most popular events, such as Concert de la Saint Patrick. Check out the concerts in March, April and May and enjoy the music in your city. Throughout the year, you can go and see your favourite artists, whether rock, rap, pop or emerging talent.

  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C


1 events found
Soirée de la Saint Patrick organisée par l'Eschaussin HandballVenez fêter comme il se doit la Saint Patrick en compagnie de "Zé et Max", le tout agrémenté de bonnes bières et de planches ch

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