
Looking for somewhere to go out in Brussels this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Brussels for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?

Here's the programme of the most popular events taking place in March, April and May and find out what to do in the city this week.

  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C


6 events found
27 septembre 1984, le magasin de vêtements STIJL ouvre ses portes rue Dansaert. Sonja Noël se lance dans une aventure mode inédite. Elle est loin de se douter de l'impact de sa boutique dans le qua
On 27 September 1984, the fashion boutique STIJL opens in Dansaert Street. Sonja Noël begins her fashion adventure, not yet aware of the impact it will have on the neighbourhood, the city and the
Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, un groupe de femmes se réunit autour des dentellières et fonde le Comité de la Dentelle. Dans les denrées négociées entre l’Angleterre et l’Allemagne, ce Comité

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