Beyond Japan Film Festival


The third edition of our “Beyond Japan” festival will arrive soon and with it several new products to highlight its innovative side. First, a new space located at the Agora Cultural Center in Kraainem and near Place Dumont (Stockel). Secondly, the film industry has undergone great evolution and so have we. Thus, each film will be followed by a cultural demonstration. These will, as far as possible, be linked to the film that precedes them. To give you an example, a Sumo demonstration organized by the only Sumo club in Leuven will follow the comedy linked to this universe. Third, we will also host a show called “Kagura”, produced and directed by artist Masaharu Udagawa. Other surprises await you, but don’t forget that Beyond Japan brings together a selection of new Japanese films on our screens. The full program will be published at the beginning of September.

For further details, do not hesitate to contact us at this address:

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