Cultuur |

Op zoek naar een plek om uit te gaan in Brussel vanavond of dit weekend? Bezoek je Brussel voor de eerste keer en wil je graag wat ideeën voor culturele uitstapjes?

Ontdek de culturele agenda van Brussel met concerten, tentoonstellingen en festivals in maart, april en mei en ontdek wat er deze week te doen is met het gezin.

  • Culturius-logo met de letter C in wit en een grote rode stip die de letter C afsluit
  • Culturius-logo met de letter C in wit en een grote rode stip die de letter C afsluit
  • Culturius-logo met de letter C in wit en een grote rode stip die de letter C afsluit
  • Culturius-logo met de letter C in wit en een grote rode stip die de letter C afsluit
  • Culturius-logo met de letter C in wit en een grote rode stip die de letter C afsluit
  • Culturius-logo met de letter C in wit en een grote rode stip die de letter C afsluit


100+ Gevonden evenementen
It takes only 10 seconds for Tamara Lindeman to pull us to the floor on Humanhood, the seventh and most arresting album she has ever made as The Weather Station. “I’ve gotten us
Aki, Ryo and Yuta are childhood friends who grew up on the same island. Aged 20, they live together in the Takadanobaba district of Tokyo. One is a barman, the other a real-estate agent and the thi
In a vast snowy forest, a lumberjack’s wife rescues a baby that was thrown off a train. Despite the war and poverty, she and her husband decide to protect the baby, or ‘little cargo’, no matter wha
Student short films in international competition: Part 2 Flagey, Folioscope € 9 > € 7 ********** Français ********** Courts métrages étudiants en compéti
More information soon... Flagey, Folioscope € 9 > € 7 ********** Français ********** Liv, jeune fille intrépide, rêve de s’échapper de sa forêt. Un jour,
A weasel, whose absurd job is to sell ties, roams the countryside. Considered a pest and constantly on the move, she decides to try her luck in the forest. Her fate is about to change when she meet
Courts métrages professionnels en compétition nationale : 1re partie Flagey, Folioscope € 9 > € 7 ********** Nederlands ********** Professionele kortfilm
Florida, between Christmas and New Year: Billy, a teenage delivery boy, stumbles upon an alien creature that ruins his attempt to hustle 5,000 dollars. With humour, he confronts a diabolical enterp
In the heart of London, Tabby McTat and Fred, his musician friend, entertain passers-by with their singing act, until the day they are separated. A beautiful story of friendship, songs and kittens,
Tony, who was born with the ability to glow, has never left his home. Wearing a multiform mask, he dreams of having friends. His life is turned upside down by the arrival of his new neighbour, Shel
Be inspired by the projects of Belgian animation studios. In a short, dynamic format, this event is an opportunity to find out more about current projects and job prospects. It’s also a great way t
Liv, an intrepid young girl, dreams of escaping from her forest. One day, she meets a mysterious polar bear and follows him to his ice castle. A friendship develops that could blossom into love, fo

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