Vegan Summer Fest: The largest Belgian vegan festival


Get overwhelmed by brand new flavours and find renewed inspiration at the Vegan Summer Fest. Stroll among the numerous food trucks and get lost at the market where you will find everything from exotic sounding ingredients to make-up, shoes, accessories and clothing. You heard it right, a vegan lifestyle is more than just food.

Would you rather take matters into your own hands? Attend one of the many cooking demos or get inspired by a fascinating talk. The info market or the photo exhibition is also worth a visit. If all this is not enough, you can enjoy the beats of the many DJs with a refreshing drink in your hand. Experience it yourself at the largest Belgian vegan festival.

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A meeting place for hip-hop fans where everyone is welcome and diversity is central. This festival is therefore created in collaboration with numerous socio-cultural organisations in Ghent. An experience full of energy, culture and music that is what BACK2SCRATCH stands for. Rap battles, skate contests to live graffiti, you will definitely enjoy this spectacle. The festival covers 3 main themes: Urban Sports, Street Art & Music. Because of the mix of these communities, you will feel an atmosphere of involvement and togetherness. Everyone is welcome to participate, just chill out or fully indulge. So be sure to be there and help expand Ghent's street culture. Festival organised for and by young people with a love of hip-hop culture. The event contains sporting, artistic but also musical elements that make it an unforgettable experience.
Flanders Festival Ghent has been part of the music festival scene for many years. From classical to world music to artistic performances: every year some 1500 international artists outperform themselves in and around Ghent. Every year, some 50,000 visitors enjoy a programme filled with classical music in its purest form as well as world music and jazz music. World-famous artists and up-and-coming talents take to the stage during 180 concerts to treat both avid music lovers and music explorers. OdeGand []will kick off this festival. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
ZINGEM BEEFT 2024 Voorlopige line-up: * Aldrig * Primal Creation * Destroy Humanity * Hexa Mera * Bear * Cryptosis Binnenkort wordt de headliner bekendgemaakt!
The Film Fest Gent has become a not-to-be-missed event on the Flemish and international cultural scene. It owes its success to an infallible formula: a Belgian premiere of more than 100 quality films and major film music concerts by top composers. Every year, 100,000 people visit Ghent and enjoy films, concerts and talks during Film Fest Gent, Belgium’s biggest international film festival. The movies shown during the festival are mainly films that are not in the regular offer in Belgium. Additionally, numerous films find their way to the Belgian audience through pre-premières at this festival. Film Fest Gent pays close attention to film music, putting an often underestimated branch of the film industry in the spotlight. Composers and film music professionals from all over the world travel to Ghent for unique concerts, film music seminars, workshops and masterclasses. Since 2001, Film Fest Gent has also organised the World Soundtrack Awards: an annual awards ceremony for film music during the festival.  Awards are presented each year during Film Fest Gent: * Official Competition (for best film) * World Soundtrack Awards * Joseph Plateau Honorary Award (for festival guests who have left an indelible mark on filmmaking) * International Short Film competition * Competition for Best Belgian Student Short * Explore Zone (for films for and by young people) * North Sea Port Audience Award Want to take a break in between all those films or want the opportunity to discuss what you’ve just watched with other people? Then the Film Fest Café across from Kinepolis Gent is the place to be. You can choose from many delicious snacks and/or drinks. Another advantage: during the daily FFG Talkies, you can listen to an interesting conversation between directors, actors or artists. Are you enjoying Film Fest Gent in one of the other locations? You will have ample opportunity to enjoy a drink there too. 2023 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Film Fest Gent. This calls for celebrations throughout the year. The cherry on the (birthday) cake will be when all films of the past few years will become available on the website []. In honour of Film Fest Gent’s 50th anniversary, 25 film composers from all over the world composed a short piece of music. [] These scores were the starting point for 25 short films, which will be presented during the festival. So for once, music was the inspiration for the films instead of the other way round.   FFG Remake For its 50th anniversary, Film Fest Gent presents a collection of sustainable accessories: FFG Remake, a partnership with sustainable design firm Volmaakt, students from HoWest and Luca School of Arts. The students designed new products made from old promotional materials of Film Fest Gent. They were made in partnership with sustainable design firm Volmaakt. Want to take a piece of film festival history home with you? That’s possible. You can purchase these unique designer pieces at Volmaakt (located in Speldenstraat 1) during an exhibition in the last two weekends of September and the first two weekends of October and during the film festival itself. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
The Film Fest Gent has become a not-to-be-missed event on the Flemish and international cultural scene. It owes its success to an infallible formula: a Belgian premiere of more than 100 quality films and major film music concerts by top composers. Every year, 100,000 people visit Ghent and enjoy films, concerts and talks during Film Fest Gent, Belgium’s biggest international film festival. The movies shown during the festival are mainly films that are not in the regular offer in Belgium. Additionally, numerous films find their way to the Belgian audience through pre-premières at this festival. Film Fest Gent pays close attention to film music, putting an often underestimated branch of the film industry in the spotlight. Composers and film music professionals from all over the world travel to Ghent for unique concerts, film music seminars, workshops and masterclasses. Since 2001, Film Fest Gent has also organised the World Soundtrack Awards: an annual awards ceremony for film music during the festival.  Awards are presented each year during Film Fest Gent: * Official Competition (for best film) * World Soundtrack Awards * Joseph Plateau Honorary Award (for festival guests who have left an indelible mark on filmmaking) * International Short Film competition * Competition for Best Belgian Student Short * Explore Zone (for films for and by young people) * North Sea Port Audience Award Want to take a break in between all those films or want the opportunity to discuss what you’ve just watched with other people? Then the Film Fest Café across from Kinepolis Gent is the place to be. You can choose from many delicious snacks and/or drinks. Another advantage: during the daily FFG Talkies, you can listen to an interesting conversation between directors, actors or artists. Are you enjoying Film Fest Gent in one of the other locations? You will have ample opportunity to enjoy a drink there too. The Classics-programme “American Dream / American Nightmare” of the 51st edition of Film Fest Gent pierces the bubble of American politics. Fifteen movies scrutinise the US’ fragile democracy. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Afspraak op vrijdag 6 en zaterdag 7 september 2024 in Stekene! Save the date! #CRAMMEROCK2024 [[0]=AZUgXbX1njvozzA9fY_hiX4q2t2keHiWepreiCmqZpx0_-eENZVIjckuYY8zXvKjXPdXDmCuWaDkIiSZuGbwkY1kVY-vzxpmCceNaC7pYlM1Il12s2y6gBekNixKTcC5rCM&__tn__=q] []
Quel plaisir de vous convier pour cette 9ième édition du festival L'Afrique en Couleurs ! Le Festival l'Afrique en En Couleurs, un moment privilégié pour mettre les richesses culturelles de l’Afrique en avant pour le public belge, en présentant des artistes de tous horizons: musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, artisans, exposants, cuisiniers… L’occasion de découvrir diverses communautés culturelles symbolisant le visage cosmopolite de Bruxelles et de ses environs, réunies au sein d’une fête de la fraternité ! La tradition du Festival L'Afrique en Couleurs est de faire découvrir tout le panel artistique et culturel du grand continent entre Méditerranée et océan Indien, entre Atlantique et mer Rouge. Un festival tout public, où les familles, les bandes d'ami-e-s et les fêtard-e-s trouveront leur bonheur au gré des stands, des ateliers, des spectacles, des animations pour enfants et pour adultes et des shows scéniques !
********FRANCAIS******** Du 6 au 8 septembre, dis adiòs à la grisaille avec Fiesta Latina. Trois jours de musique, de fête, de danse et de gastronomie colorée t’attendent à Bruxelles ! 🎉 * PROGRAMME * ☀️ 3 jours de festival dans une ambiance latino et festive 🌮 90 stands thématiques, bars et food trucks aux saveurs sud-américaines 🎤 Concerts, DJ sets et spectacles ambulants pendant toute la durée du festival 💃Des tonnes d’activités : cours de danse, batuquería et lucha libre ! 🎉Diverses animations tels que des spectacles de danse, du folklore et bien plus encore ! * INFORMATIONS PRATIQUES * 📆Date : du 6 au 8 septembre 2024 ⏰Horaires : Vendredi : 17h00 - 01h00 Samedi : 12h00 - 01h00 Dimanche : 12h00 - 22h00 📍Lieu : Carrefour des Attelages – Bois de la Cambre 🆔 Age requis : ouvert à tous (gratuit pour les personnes de moins de 12 ans 😉) ♿Accessibilité : l’événement est accessible en chaise roulante 💵Pas d’ATM sur site * LIENS * ➡️ Site internet : ➡️ Instagram : ********ENGLISH******** From 6th to 8th September 2024, say adiós to the dullness with Fiesta Latina. Three days of music, festivities, dancing and colorful gastronomy await you in an open air in Brussels ! 🎉 ☀️ 3 days of festival in a Latin and festive atmosphere 🌮 90 thematic stands, bars and food truck with South American flavours 🎤Concerts, DJ sets and travelling shows throughout the festival 💃Tons of activities : from dance classes to batuquería passing through lucha libre 🎉Dance shows and much more ! * PRACTICAL INFORMATIONS * 📆Date : from 6th to 8ths septembre 2024 ⏰Schedule : Friday : 17h00 - 01h00 Saturday : 12h00 - 01h00 Sunday : 12h00 - 22h00 📍Address: Carrefour des Attelages – Bois de la Cambre 🆔Required age: ouvert à tous (gratuit pour les personnes de moins de 12 ans 😉) ♿Accessibility : the event is wheelchair accessible 💵No ATM on-site * LINKS * ➡️ Website : ➡️ Instagram :
********** English ********** Join us for an unforgettable experience at Color Bang, where joy, color, and music come together in a vibrant celebration. Held in the heart of Brussels at Parc du Cinquantenaire, this year's festival promises to be a day full of fun and unforgettable memories. Here’s what you can look forward to: - Color Play: Have fun with organic colors, throw them in the air, and paint each other to create a sense of unity and pure joy. - DJ Music: Dance to fantastic DJ music all day long. - Food Stalls: After the colorful festivities, explore a variety of delicious food available at the stalls. - Family Fun: People of all ages, including kids, are welcome to join in the fun and excitement. Color Bang is about letting go of your worries, embracing life, and connecting with others in a joyful and colorful atmosphere. Entry is FREE and open to everyone, making it a perfect outing for friends and family. - Date: Saturday, August 31, 2024 - Time: 11:00 AM - 07:00 PM - Location: Parc du Cinquantenaire, Brussels This event is proudly supported by our partners Atcon Global, Indian Foodism Lounge, Coca-Cola and Juplier. Bring your friends and family for a day of joy, fun, and unforgettable memories. We can’t wait to see you there! For any questions, feel free to contact us at Don’t miss one of Brussels’ most exciting and colorful festivals! Stay up to date with the latest info by following our Facebook event page ********** Français ********** Rejoignez-nous pour une expérience inoubliable au Color Bang, où la joie, la couleur et la musique se réunissent dans une célébration vibrante. Organisé en plein cœur de Bruxelles au Parc du Cinquantenaire, le festival de cette année promet d'être une journée pleine de plaisir et de souvenirs inoubliables. Voici ce qui vous attend : - Jeux de Couleurs : Amusez-vous avec des couleurs organiques, jetez-les en l'air et peignez-vous les uns les autres pour créer un sentiment d'unité et de pur bonheur. - Musique DJ : Dansez au rythme de la musique fantastique des DJ toute la journée. - Stands de Nourriture : Après les festivités colorées, explorez une variété de délicieuses nourritures disponibles aux stands. - Plaisir pour Toute la Famille : Les personnes de tous âges, y compris les enfants, sont les bienvenues pour participer au plaisir et à l'excitation. Color Bang consiste à oublier vos soucis, à embrasser la vie et à vous connecter avec les autres dans une atmosphère joyeuse et colorée. L'entrée est GRATUITE et ouverte à tous, ce qui en fait une sortie parfaite pour les amis et la famille. - Date : Samedi 31 août 2024 - Heure : 11h00 - 19h00 - Lieu : Parc du Cinquantenaire, Bruxelles Cet événement est fièrement soutenu par nos partenaires Atcon Global, Indian Foodism Lounge, Coca-Cola et Juplier. Amenez vos amis et votre famille pour une journée de joie, de plaisir et de souvenirs inoubliables. Nous avons hâte de vous voir là-bas ! Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à Ne manquez pas l'un des festivals les plus excitants et colorés de Bruxelles ! Restez à jour avec les dernières infos en suivant notre page événement Facebook ********** Nederlands ********** Sluit je bij ons aan voor een onvergetelijke ervaring bij Color Bang, waar vreugde, kleur en muziek samenkomen in een bruisende viering. Het festival vindt plaats in het hart van Brussel, in het Parc du Cinquantenaire, en belooft een dag vol plezier en onvergetelijke herinneringen. Dit is wat je kunt verwachten: - Kleuren Spel: Geniet van organische kleuren, gooi ze in de lucht en beschilder elkaar om een gevoel van eenheid en puur geluk te creëren. - DJ Muziek: Dans de hele dag op fantastische DJ-muziek. - Eetkraampjes: Ontdek een verscheidenheid aan heerlijke voedingsmiddelen bij de kraampjes na de kleurrijke festiviteiten. - Gezinsplezier: Mensen van alle leeftijden, inclusief kinderen, zijn welkom om deel te nemen aan het plezier en de opwinding. Color Bang draait om het loslaten van je zorgen, het omarmen van het leven en het verbinden met anderen in een vrolijke en kleurrijke sfeer. De toegang is GRATIS en open voor iedereen, waardoor het een perfecte uitje is voor vrienden en familie. - Datum: Zaterdag 31 augustus 2024 - Tijd: 11:00 - 19:00 - Locatie: Parc du Cinquantenaire, Brussel Dit evenement wordt trots ondersteund door onze partners Atcon Global, Indian Foodism Lounge, Coca-Cola en Juplier. Breng je vrienden en familie mee voor een dag vol vreugde, plezier en onvergetelijke herinneringen. We kunnen niet wachten om je daar te zien! Voor vragen kun je ons bereiken op Mis dit opwindende en kleurrijke festival in Brussel niet! Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws door onze Facebook-evenementpagina te volgen
********** English ********** On the 31st of August, 5 open airs will take place in the heart of our capital city. Organized by differents promoters or music collectives, they mean to reflect the diversity and richness of our capital's festive scene. Clubbing and the festive sector have been recognised as part of the Brussels Region's intangible heritage, and the city of Brussels wants to celebrate all together on this great day. Poelaert, Vaux Hall, Place d'Espagne, De Brouckèreplein, Allée du Kaai and Congres. ********** Français ********** Le 31 août, 5 open airs auront lieu au cœur de notre capitale. Organisés par différents promoteurs ou collectifs musicaux, ils se veulent le reflet de la diversité et de la richesse de la scène festive de notre capitale. Le clubbing et le secteur festif ont été reconnus comme faisant partie du patrimoine immatériel de la Région bruxelloise, et la ville de Bruxelles souhaite les célébrer tous ensemble lors de cette grande journée. Poelaert, Salle Vaux, Place d'Espagne, De Brouckèreplein, Allée du Kaai et Congres. ********** Nederlands ********** Op 31 augustus vinden er 5 openluchtfestivals plaats in het hart van onze hoofdstad. Ze worden georganiseerd door verschillende promotors of muziekcollectieven en weerspiegelen de diversiteit en de rijkdom van de feestscène in onze hoofdstad. Clubbing en de feestsector zijn erkend als deel van het immaterieel erfgoed van het Brussels Gewest, en de stad Brussel wil dit allemaal samen vieren op deze grote dag. Poelaert, Vaux Hall, Espagneplein, De Brouckèreplein, Kaaiweg en Congres.