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Alter Ego
To mark ARTONOV’s tenth anniversary, dancer-choreographer Akaji Maro, a living butoh legend, meets virtuoso cellist Eric-Maria Couturier, soloist with the Ensemble intercontemporain, for an original performance.
Based on Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cello Suites, the butoh dancer and the musician dialogue and improvise, in a radical staging that transcends historical periods, cultural areas and artistic genres.
With a narrative based on the development of a human being, the performance explores with intensity the notions of identity, in all their ambiguity and contradictions.
A powerful and harmonious encounter between two strong, original personalities at the peak of their art.
"I am honored by ARTONOV’s invitation to perform on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. The piece I have created for this memorable occasion is a butoh solo entitled Alter Ego. I present the multiple facets of the living being that is the human being, in a work lasting nearly forty minutes that sheds light on birth, awakening, evolution, travel, chaos and more. Enveloped in Bach’s suites performed by the great cellist Eric-Maria Couturier, I am convinced of the power and richness of this work. I am already looking forward to performing it."
********** Français **********
En réponse à la commande d’ARTONOV à l’occasion de son dixième anniversaire, le danseur et chorégraphe Akaji Maro, légende vivante du butō, rencontre le violoncelliste virtuose Eric-Maria Couturier, soliste de l’Ensemble intercontemporain, pour une performance inédite.
À partir des Suites pour violoncelle seul de Jean-Sébastien Bach, le danseur de butō et le musicien dialoguent et improvisent, dans une mise en scène radicale qui transcende les époques, les aires culturelles et les genres artistiques.
Avec pour trame narrative le développement d’un être humain, la performance explore avec intensité les notions d’identité, dans toute leur ambiguïté et leurs contradictions.
Une rencontre, puissante et harmonieuse, entre deux personnalités fortes et originales au sommet de leur art.
"I am honored by ARTONOV’s invitation to perform on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. The piece I have created for this memorable occasion is a butoh solo entitled Alter Ego. I present the multiple facets of the living being that is the human being, in a work lasting nearly forty minutes that sheds light on birth, awakening, evolution, travel, chaos and more. Enveloped in Bach’s suites performed by the great cellist Eric-Maria Couturier, I am convinced of the power and richness of this work. I am already looking forward to performing it."
********** Nederlands **********
Ter gelegenheid van het tienjarig jubileum van ARTONOV geven danser-choreograaf Akaji Maro, een ‘levende legende’ van de butoh, en de virtuoze cellist Eric-Maria Couturier, solist bij het Ensemble intercontemporain, een uniek optreden op basis van de Cellosuites van Johann Sebastian Bach.
De butoh-danser en de muzikant gaan in dialoog en improviseren in een radicale enscenering die tijdperken, culturen en artistieke genres overstijgt. Met de ontwikkeling van de mens als leiddraad verkent deze intense voorstelling de noties van identiteit in al haar ambiguïteit en tegenstrijdigheden.
Een krachtige en harmonieuze ontmoeting tussen twee sterke, eigenzinnige persoonlijkheden op het hoogtepunt van hun kunst.
Een krachtige en harmonieuze ontmoeting tussen twee sterke, eigenzinnige persoonlijkheden op het hoogtepunt van hun kunst.
"I am honored by ARTONOV’s invitation to perform on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. The piece I have created for this memorable occasion is a butoh solo entitled Alter Ego. I present the multiple facets of the living being that is the human being, in a work lasting nearly forty minutes that sheds light on birth, awakening, evolution, travel, chaos and more. Enveloped in Bach’s suites performed by the great cellist Eric-Maria Couturier, I am convinced of the power and richness of this work. I am already looking forward to performing it."
Datum informatie
2024-09-26: 18:30:00 - 19:10:00
2024-09-26: 20:30:00 - 21:10:00
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