Saint Andre's Garden


Upcoming events

WEEK 1 Tuesday, 2 July at 12:30 Belgian author Lize Spit will read from her novel “The Honest Finder.” ‘The honest finder’ is set in Flemish Kempen in the late 1990s. Jimmy, who is going through a difficult time at home, completely revives when the son of a family of Kosovar refugees comes to sit next to him in class. Jimmy is the smartest but also loneliest in his class. He sees it as his mission to help Tristan Ibrahimi through the school year. All the time he doesn't spend collecting flippos, he spends with the Kosovar family. When the Ibrahimis are suddenly deported after a year, Tristan comes up with a plan that will demand a lot from Jimmy. Reading in Dutch, translation of text into French Moderated by: TBC Thursday, 4 July at 12:30 (IN FRENCH) National Poet in Belgium, Lisette Lombé, will read from her novel ‘Eunice.’ Eunice, nineteen years old, an athlete and a psychology student, has just been dumped by her boyfriend. Using alcohol and dancing to try to numb the sadness. Waking up with a severe hangover, the young woman thinks she has hit rock bottom but the numerous missed calls left on her cell phone by her father foreshadow the worst. Her mother, Jane, has died after falling into a river after leaving a nightclub. The investigation quickly concludes that it was a simple accident but Eunice refuses to believe it. What if a red diary found in a hair salon proved her right? What if the initials written on several pages were a clue? For Eunice, it is the beginning of a quest for truth in order to understand who her mother truly was, about whom she realizes she did not know that well. The shock of mourning reminds us that every family is a place of buried secrets. The meeting with the serene and superb Jennah marks a turning point towards appeasement. Eunice is a story of love, sisterhood, transmission and remission. It is also an awakening to tenderness and forgiveness. Reading in French, translation of text into English Moderated by: Alison Mooney, Poet and speech writer at the European Parliament WEEK 2 Tuesday, 9 July at 12:30 Maltese author Alex Farrugia will read an extract from his European Literature Prize 2024 nominated novel Ir-Re Borg (The King of Malta) The ‘King of Malta’ is a socio-political satirical novel. The story is not only inspired by Malta’s political crisis in 2019, but also reflects political events and phenomena in other countries. Mikiel Borg, a small business owner known as ‘Ic-Chopper’, is struggling with a deep depression caused by his trivial fight with the incredible Maltese bureaucracy. Until finally the idea sparks to launch ‘The Monarchical Party of Malta’. Against all odds he wins the elections challenging the established two-party system. Fuelled by his success he develops a populist megalomania. A viral media release initiates the abrupt demise of his political career. “ Reading in Maltese, translation of text into English Moderated by: Denise Chircop, Policy Analyst at European Parliament research service (EPRS) This reading is presented to you in cooperation with the European Union Literature Prize. The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL), launched in 2009, celebrates emerging fiction writers from over 40 European countries. EUPL brings visibility to diverse literary talents and promote cross-border circulation of literature within Europe. It is organised by the Federation of European Publishers and the European and International Booksellers Federation. Thursday, 11 July at 12:30 Jayrôme C Robinet will read from his novel ‘My way from a white woman to a young man with a migration background.’ The novel tells a very personal story that takes the reader on a journey between two genders. As a white French woman living in Berlin, the slow transition into a man begins. The physical changes bring along the experience of a second puberty. His new outward appearance does not only give him a new gender identity, but also makes him appear as a foreigner. In the many small things and encounters of everyday life, he becomes aware of how perception and behaviour of his environment suddenly change. Through his own life experience, first as a woman and then as a man, a direct comparison of both worlds becomes obvious. It is an exciting discovery that with the transition of gender, origin and age also appear to change. In addition to excerpts from this novel, other literary works by the author will be presented, to widen the insight into his queer everyday life and the incredible social reactions it brings along. Reading in German, French and Spanish, translation of text into English, German and French Moderated by: Klara Boghaert, Assistant, press and public relations, German Embassy Brussels and Alfonso de Alba, Embassy of Mexico to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg This reading is presented to you in cooperation with the German Embassy in Brussels in the framework of the Co- Chairing of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC).

Past events

Democracy is fundamentally based on the freedom of expression, especially via the arts and culture. Poetry, as a liberal literary genre, offers the opportunity to reflect on the past, present and future of European democratic values that we all share. Whilst slam poetry, is a form of poetic expression that incorporates performance and a participative audience. EU Poets Silvia Pollidori, European Parliament - Italy Ben Ray, European Commission - UK Alison Mooney, European Parliament - Ireland European Champions Dani Orviz, 2012 first European Champion, Spain Péter Molnàr, 2018 European Champion, Hungary Lisette Ma Neza, 2017 Runner Up and audience award winner - Belgium Marie Darah, 2021 European Champion - Belgium Elif Duygu, 2022 Austrian Champion - Austria Joonas Veelmaa, 2023 European Champion - Estonia Slam poets at the European Parliament “Poets for Democracy” event will address topics that show the manifold advantages of democracies. These include praising freedom of expression, tolerance, solidarity, togetherness, a common EU future, as well as flagging disruptive forces that could endanger our democratic achievements such as the misfits of social media, Artificial Intelligence or the advent of a more polarised, more self-absorbed society.
********** English ********** From Monday to Thursday, in the Citizens’ Garden you will find classical music performances by different musicians and ensembles. This is a unique opportunity to see world-renowned musicians from Brussels and beyond perform in an intimate outdoor setting. The programme features an eclectic mix of styles, from classical to opera, jazz and world, so there is something for everybody to enjoy. The Citizens’ Garden opened to the public in 2020 as a green oasis amid the bustling European Quarter. Housed in the grounds of the former residence of painter Antoine Wiertz, the European Parliament has helped to preserve Brussels’ heritage by restoring the garden. The concerts hark back to the soirées and gatherings organised by the 19th century Belgian artist, who modelled the garden on ancient Greece and Rome. ********** Français ********** Du lundi au jeudi, vous trouverez au Jardin des citoyens des concerts donnés par différents musiciens et ensembles. ll s'agit d'une occasion unique de voir des musiciens de renommée mondiale de Bruxelles et d'ailleurs se produire dans un cadre intime en plein air. Le programme présente un mélange éclectique de styles, du classique à l'opéra, en passant par le jazz et la musique du monde, de sorte qu’il y en ait pour tous les goûts. Le Jardin des citoyens a ouvert ses portes au public en 2020. Il s'agit d'une oasis de verdure située au cœur du quartier européen et de son effervescence. Installé sur le terrain de l'ancienne résidence du peintre Antoine Wiertz, le Parlement européen a contribué à la préservation du patrimoine de Bruxelles en restaurant le jardin. Les concerts rappellent les soirées et les rassemblements organisés par l'artiste Belge du XIXe siècle, qui a modelé le jardin sur la Grèce et la Rome antiques. ********** Nederlands ********** Van maandag tot donderdag zijn er in de Tuin van de burgers dagelijks klassieke muziekoptredens van diverse musici en ensembles. Dit is een unieke kans om wereldberoemde Brusselse muzikanten te zien optreden in een intieme openluchtsetting. Het programma biedt een gevarieerde mix van stijlen, van klassiek tot opera tot jazz en wereldmuziek, dus er is voor elk wat wils. De Tuin van de Burgers opende in 2020 zijn deuren voor het publiek als een groene oase temidden in de bruisende Europese wijk. Op de plaats waar vroeger de schilder Antoine Wiertz woonde, heeft het Europees Parlement met de restauratie van de tuinbijgedragen tot het behoud van het Brussels erfgoed. De concerten herdenken de soirées en bijeenkomsten van de 19e-eeuwse Belgieche kunstenaar, die de tuin heeft gemodelleerd naar het oude Griekenland en Rome.
*** Français *** Chaque jour du lundi au vendredi, vous trouverez au Jardin des citoyens des concerts donnés par différents musiciens et ensembles. Il s'agit d'une occasion unique de voir des musiciens de renommée mondiale de Bruxelles et d'ailleurs se produire dans un cadre intime en plein air. Le programme présente un mélange éclectique de styles, du classique à l'opéra, en passant par le jazz et la musique du monde, de sorte qu’il y en ait pour tous les goûts.Le Jardin des citoyens a ouvert ses portes au public en 2020. Il s'agit d'une oasis de verdure située au cœur du quartier européen et de son effervescence. Installé sur le terrain de l'ancienne résidence du peintre Antoine Wiertz, le Parlement européen a contribué à la préservation du patrimoine de Bruxelles en restaurant le jardin. Les concerts rappellent les soirées et les rassemblements organisés par l'artiste belge du XIXe siècle, qui a modelé le jardin sur la Grèce et la Rome antiques. *** Nederlands *** Van maandag tot vrijdag zijn er in de Tuin van de burgers dagelijks klassieke muziekoptredens van diverse musici en ensembles. Dit is een unieke kans om wereldberoemde Brusselse muzikanten te zien optreden in een intieme openluchtsetting. Het programma biedt een gevarieerde mix van stijlen, van klassiek tot opera tot jazz en wereldmuziek, dus er is voor elk wat wils.De Tuin van de burgers opende in 2020 zijn deuren voor het publiek als een groene oase temidden in de bruisende Europese wijk. Op de plaats waar vroeger de schilder Antoine Wiertz woonde, heeft het Europees Parlement met de restauratie van de tuin bijgedragen tot het behoud van het Brussels erfgoed. De concerten herdenken de soirées en bijeenkomsten van de 19e-eeuwse Belgische kunstenaar, die de tuin heeft gemodelleerd naar het oude Griekenland en Rome. *** English *** From Monday to Friday, every day in the Citizens’ Garden you will find classical music performances by different musicians and ensembles. This is a unique opportunity to see world-renowned musicians from Brussels and beyond perform in an intimate outdoor setting. The programme features an eclectic mix of styles, from classical to opera, jazz and world, so there is something for everybody to enjoy.The Citizens’ Garden opened to the public in 2020 as a green oasis amid the bustling European Quarter. Housed in the grounds of the former residence of painter Antoine Wiertz, the European Parliament has helped to preserve Brussels’ heritage by restoring the garden. The concerts hark back to the soirées and gatherings organised by the 19th century Belgian artist, who modelled the garden on ancient Greece and Rome.
Ukrainian Prelude - D. KonovalovNightingale - D. Conan-HansonSong to the Moon from the opera Rusalka - A. DvořákMeditation from the opera Tais - J. Massenet aria Lauretta from the opera Gianni Skikki - J. Puccini Recollection - M. Skorik Souvenir - E. AndreevWhat a moon night- Ukrainian folk song Romans Oksana from the opera Zaporozhets behind the Danube - S. Gulak-Artemovsky Irish folk dance "Morrison jig" arrangement - N. Smishchenko