John Hastings - Comedian John


John Hastings: Comedian John
Over the last 17 years John Hastings has appeared at every major comedy festival in the world including Edinburgh, Melbourne and Just for Laughs Montreal. He has told jokes on BBC Radio 4, BBC 1, BBC 3, Comedy Central, CTV Australian Comedy Channel, and CBC The Comedy Network. He is also the COCA Comedian of the Year, a Martin Sims Award Nominee, an Amused Moose Comedy Award winner, and was briefly a viral sensation after Dennis Rodman heckled him in Los Angeles.
Oh did he perform on AGT and get a standing ovation from the judges with no real audience. YES! Does John have a drybar special with over 3 million views on social media? Yeah. Yes. Yes he does. COME SEE THIS PUNK.
'Never any doubt we’re in the hands of an appealing consummate pro.' - Chortle
Special guest : Austin Shale
NB : The venue has a CASH ONLY policy
Doors open at 7 pm
Show starts at 8 pm



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