LUX Audience Award Ceremony 2024


This year's event promises to be an exciting celebration of European cinema, culminating in the announcement of the winner among the current nominees. Register now if you wish to attend in person.

The LUX Audience Award is a joint initiative of the European Parliament and the European Film Academy in collaboration with the European Commission and Europa Cinemas. It has become a beacon for fostering dialogue and engagement between politics and the public through the medium of film. Since its inception, the award has grown exponentially in stature, establishing itself as the largest audience award worldwide.

For the second time ever, the number of nominated films has been increased from three to five, reflecting the rich tapestry of storytelling and diversity present in contemporary European cinema. The finalists for the 2024 LUX Audience Award include:

20,000 Species of Bees by Estíbaliz Urresola (Spain)
Fallen Leaves by Aki Kaurismäki (Finland/Germany)
On the Adamant by Nicolas Philibert (France/Japan)
Smoke Sauna Sisterhood by Anna Hints (Estonia/France/Iceland)
The Teachers’ Lounge by Ilker Çatak (Germany)
Since the announcement of the nominees during Venice Film Festival, European citizens and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have been collaborating in watching and rating the films. This collective effort highlights the importance of using your vote and the value of democracy in creating cultural connections.

Ahead of the 2024 European Elections in 6-9 June, the upcoming ceremony in the European Parliament brings together MEPs, filmmakers, and citizens in a shared celebration of cinematic excellence, cultural diversity and democracy.

The evening will include speeches from prominent figures, including President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola, Vice-president Evelyn Regner in charge of the LUX Audience Award and Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education Sabine Verheyen, as well as of the representatives of the five nominated films.

The LUX Audience Award ceremony not only honours outstanding filmmaking but also serves as a platform for fostering meaningful dialogue on pressing issues facing contemporary society. Through the power of storytelling, these films inspire empathy, provoke thought, and encourage collective action towards building a more inclusive and compassionate world.

The LUX Audience Award is a testament to the enduring power of European cinema to captivate, enlighten, and unite audiences across borders. Do not miss out and register now for an unforgettable evening celebrating the magic of cinema and the spirit of European unity



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Événements suggérés

Ó Bhéal is a cinematic exploration of the rise of Hip Hop and Electronic artists in Ireland embracing oral traditions of folklore, ancient poetry and sean nós singing to create a new fusion sound, a culture clash through music. An ensemble piece, featuring Irish language rappers Mory and Oisín Mac, producer and multi-instrumentalist Fehdah, and Limerick rapper Strange Boy. This beautiful black & white film delves deep into these four artists’ process and how they are breaking new ground in Irish music. Ó Bhéal shines a light on a modern musical movement in Ireland. The Hip Hop scene in this country is vibrant and far reaching. But for many years the scene has focussed on a derived version of Hip Hop that is drawn from American and British styles and subject matter. This film captures a moment in time in which authentically Irish Hip Hop is emerging as a unique, vital sub-genre that is growing in popularity. It reveals how telling our own stories, in our own accents and language, helps us to connect our history and heritage to this contemporary music in a new and interesting way.
From the makers of GAZA (Sundance 2019), comes a new cinematic odyssey that penetrates deep below the surface of Beirut, a still beautiful, yet deeply troubled city on the brink of financial collapse. In Sabra, one of Beirut’s toughest urban slums, sectarianism and violence is a permanent way of life. Rabia, a 38-year-old hardworking but undocumented Lebanese mother cannot afford to admit her chronically ill daughter to hospital, leaving the life of her innocent child hanging in the balance. In the Shadow of Beirut weaves four compelling storylines together in a searing portrait of a people and a city struggling to survive amidst some of the most difficult living conditions imaginable. In this failing state, it is the vulnerable who suffer most. Through intimate, character driven and cinematic storytelling, the stark reality of life for the protagonists of the film is symbolic of the hundreds of thousands of others who fight for survival in the most diverse country in the Middle East, which has the highest per capita refugee numbers in the world. This is a nation suffering one of the worst global financial meltdowns on record, a country and a city that many now are trying desperately to flee. Despite the inhumane conditions and enormous challenges, the areas’ inhabitants possess unfathomable reserves of resilience and even hope, as they go about their daily lives in the struggle to forge a brighter future for their families.
Ciara Nic Chormaic's documentary is a cinematic exploration of the rise of hip-hop and electronic music artists in Ireland who embrace the oral traditions of folklore, ancient poetry and sean-nós singing to create a new fusion sound and indigenous subgenre. An ensemble piece featuring Irish-language rappers Mory and Oisín Mac, producer and multi-instrumentalist Fehdah and Limerick rapper Strange Boy, this beautiful black-and-white film delves deep into these four artists' practice and how they are breaking new ground in Irish music. Through insightful interviews, intimate portrayals of the artists' creative process in the studio and visceral live performances, Ó BHĖAL tells the story of an exciting moment in time in the Irish contemporary musical landscape.
Attention : Il n'est pas possible de réserver ses places en lignes pour les séances gratuites. Il faudra vous rendre directement à la billetterie pour retirer vos places. Dans une partie protégée de la forêt amazonienne vit la communauté indigène Uru-er-wau-wau. Quand des agriculteurs brésiliens, encouragés par le Président Bolsonaro, veulent s’approprier leurs terres, le jeune chef et son mentor doivent se protéger de l’invasion. Un combat éclate pour leur reconnaissance et leur respect.
********** Français ********** Max (40 ans) quitte sa maison en banlieue. Il arrive à Bruxelles, une ville qu’il n’aime pas à cause de sa méconnaissance. Il dérive dans ses rues et rencontre Louis, un ancien collègue de travail, Alice, une future actrice, et Abdel, un chauffeur de tramway marocain. Une sorte de relation se crée entre les quatre « héros » qui tournera en une tragédie dont personne ne sortira indemne. ********** Nederlands ********** ‘Brussels by Night’ is een film die zijn inspiratie put uit een contemporaine tijdsgeest. We volgen de moordenaar Max op zijn nachtelijke zwerftocht door Brussel. Hij ontmoet 3 personages, die zich aandienen als klankbord voor zijn gevoelens van ontreddering : een oude werkmakker, het barmeisje Alice en de Marokkaanse trambestuurder Abdel. De ontmoetingen leiden tot een desastreuze finale aan het hellend vlak van Ronquières.
A troupe of failed clowns embark on a chaotic road trip of self-discovery after a mysterious solar event plunges the world into anarchy. Jenny, a conspiracy clickbait reporter, is looking for a way to broadcast the «truth» to the whole world. The Great Alphonso, a pompous ex-TV clown celebrity, spots his chance to resurrect his career and reclaim the fame he so craves; while Bobo, Pepe, and Funzo, desperately try to escape the wrath of some vengeful human statues. They will meet for a final clown show proving that the end of the world can also be a funny business.
********** Français ********** Cinéphiles noctambules et oiseaux de nuit, rendez-vous au Studio 4 de Flagey ce samedi 27 avril 2024 pour une programmation nocturne électrisante et grisante. Brussels Short Film Festival 10 € (prévente) | 13 € (sur place) ********** Nederlands ********** Ben jij een nachtraaf én een echte filmliefhebber? Kom dan op zaterdag 27.04.23 voor een spannende nacht in Studio 4 van Flagey. Brussels Short Film Festival 10 € (voorverkoop) | 13 € (ter plaatse) ********** English ********** Night owl or true film lover… Come to the Night of the Short Film on 27.04.24 for an electrifying and exhilarating night in Flagey's Studio 4. Brussels Short Film Festival 10 € (presale) | 13€ (on site)
********** Français ********** 4 histoires envoûtantes à découvrir dès 4 ans ! Il était une fois deux fées et deux sorcières qui ne se connaissent pas et… qui ne se rencontreront jamais. Pourtant le hasard de la vie va les réunir autour d’un même chemin : partir à la conquête de leur destin, apprendre à mieux se connaître et découvrir l’autre. Un programme de courts métrages : La Fée Sorcière Cedric Igodt et David Van de Weyer (Belgique / Bulgarie), 2022 – 15min – Images de synthèse 3D Dans le château des fées, Rosemary apprend à devenir une fée modèle. Mais cela l’ennuie et elle préfère l’aventure et poursuit le rêve de devenir Sorcière. Fuyant l’éducation de sa mère, elle décide de s’enfuir dans la mystérieuse forêt sombre… Filante Marion Jamault (Pays), 2023 – 8min49 – Papier découpé Chaque nuit, Paulette la petite sorcière observe la même étoile filante dans le ciel. Elle lui adresse son vœu le plus cher : retrouver son rat domestique mystérieusement disparu. Les jours passent mais l’animal ne revient pas. Paulette veut alors comprendre ce qui cloche avec son étoile. La Superfée et l’Araignée An Vrombaut (Belgique), 2023 – 7min – Animation 2D Ella la fée et son ami Spin l’araignée tissent les toiles les plus fantaisistes, mais seulement lorsqu’elles travaillent ensemble ! Mais alors qu’elles discutent de la suite de leur aventure, une querelle éclate entre le duo créatif faisant voler baguette magique et fils collants. Il s’en suit une belle pagaille ! Le Bébé et la Sorcière Evgenia Golubeva (Russie), 2020 – 4min45 – Animation 2D Une sorcière vieillissante a besoin d’un bébé pour faire une potion de jouvence. Mais quand elle s’apprête à plonger une adorable petite princesse dans sa marmite, les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. ********** Nederlands ********** 4 stories to discover from 4 years! Once upon a time, there were two fairies and two witches who didn't know each other and... who would never meet. But as fate would have it, they set off together on the same journey: to conquer their destiny, to get to know each other better and to discover each other.
Depuis 2014, en France, la Justice Restaurative propose à des personnes victimes et auteurs d’infraction de dialoguer dans des dispositifs sécurisés, encadrés par des professionnels et des bénévoles comme Judith, Fanny ou Michel. Nassim, Issa, et Thomas, condamnés pour vols avec violence, Grégoire, Nawelle et Sabine, victimes de homejacking, de braquages et de vol à l’arraché, mais aussi Chloé, victime de viols incestueux, s’engagent tous dans des mesures de Justice Restaurative. Sur leur parcours, il y a de la colère et de l’espoir, des silences et des mots, des alliances et des déchirements, des prises de conscience et de la confiance retrouvée… Et au bout du chemin, parfois, la réparation…