Unexpected Encounters by Francois Coorens


Within the walls of Hilton Brussels Grand Place, guests will discover a treasure trove of Coorens’ most iconic works, including newly created pieces featuring Belgian icons like Stromae, Angèle, and Diane von Fürstenberg to international icons like Paris Hilton and Lady Gaga with pop culture references. And for those seeking a departure from the figurative, Coorens’ alter-ego, Bus Tomasi, offers a series of abstract pieces that challenge and provoke. The recent vernissage on March 21st welcomed over 200 guests, marking a memorable start to this year-long journey. All the paintings displayed are for sale - for more information, please contact our reception at the hotel.

In celebration of our partnership with François Coorens, Sentro, our vibrant restaurant & bar, invites guests to embark on a culinary journey inspired by the artist’s vibrant creations. Head Chef Vincent Masson has crafted a menu that pays homage to Coorens’ bold aesthetic, featuring his favourite dish, the Endive and Beef Cheek Parmentier. At the bar, you can complement your meal with François’s recommended beverages, the Mezcal Negroni cocktail and Spicy Apple mocktail, for a truly immersive dining experience.

We invite everyone to immerse themselves in the captivating world of “Unexpected Encounters” by François Coorens, on display at Hilton Brussels Grand Place until March 2025. This exhibition is open to all, offering a unique opportunity to explore François’s imaginative world and discover the beauty of art, culture, and cuisine converging in unexpected ways.

Date info

00:00:00 - 23:59:00




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