Reggae Geel 2024


In de lange, hete zomer van 1978 kreeg een groep vrienden het zot in de kop. Ze beslisten om iets te doen wat niemand in de wijde omgeving al ooit had gezien: een authentieke reggaefuif organiseren. De eerste editie van wat later zou uitgroeien tot Reggae Geel, ging van start onder een heldere hemel.
Vandaag klinkt de naam Reggae Geel als een klok in de festivalwereld. We zijn het oudste, beste reggaefestival van Europa – voor valse bescheidenheid klopt u maar elders aan. De benen zitten goed, de spieren staan strak gespannen, zélfs na 45 jaar. Het is goed om eens terug te kijken hoe het allemaal begon. En welke zotternijen er in al die jaren zijn gepasseerd.
Maar het is nog fijner om vooruit te blikken. Want ook die toekomst ziet er geweldig uit.



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Avril Lavigne, Dua Lipa, Deus, Foo Fighters, Lenny Kravitz, Maneskin, Snow Patrol, Sum 41, ... Ticket combi (valide du 4 au 7 juillet) : 309 euros Ticket un jour jeudi 4 juillet : 134 euros Ticket un jour vendredi 5 juillet : ÉPUISÉ > liste d'attente Ticket un jour samedi 6 juillet : ÉPUISÉ > liste d'attente Ticket un jour dimanche 7 juillet : ÉPUISÉ > liste d'attente Le prix d’un ticket inclut les frais de service et contribution mobilité et éco-contribution. Les tickets pour Rock Werchter 2024 sont en vente sur Chaque ticket de festival donne droit à un ticket gratuit pour les transports en commun (train/navette) vers et de Werchter. ❗ Attention: si vous désirez avoir accès au camping, vous devriez également acheter un ticket camping, en plus. Vous trouverez un aperçu de toutes les possibilités sous 'Tickets de camping'.
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Au programme cette année : des spectacles pour les grands et les petits mais également la sortie de création de Catherine Pierloz (jeune public) et l'étape de création de Manu De Loeu (adulte) mais également la performance artistique des élèves de troisième année, achevant leurs parcours à l’école du conte, un concert du groupe Sysmo, une exposition, une conférence, un fil rouge mené par un trio déganté…
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Discover Hungarian culture in Brussels! Join us for a vibrant celebration of Hungarian culture at the Hungarian Day in Brussels! We have an exciting lineup of activities that highlight the best of Hungary, from traditional dog breeds to modern innovations. Here’s what’s in store for you: Programme: 17:00 - 22:00: Rubik's Cube Presentation and Competition 17:00 - 22:00: VR Discovery of Hungarian Landmarks 18:00 – 19:00 Meeting of Hungarian Dog Breeds 19:00 - 20:00: World Music Concert with Magyar Banda 20:00 - 21:00: Folk Dance Workshop / Táncház 17:00 - 22:00: Rubik's Cube Presentation and Competition Test your skills and learn new techniques at our Rubik's Cube event. Dive into the world of the Rubik's Cube, a brilliant Hungarian invention that has fascinated minds across the globe! Created in 1974 by the ingenious Hungarian architect and Professor Ernő Rubik, this colorful puzzle is more than just a game; it is a testament to creativity and problem solving. At our Hungarian Day event in Brussels, you have the chance to: Learn about the fascinating history and design of the Rubik's Cube. Solve the cube with expert guidance. Compete in our Rubik's Cube competition for a chance to win special prizes. Whether you are a seasoned speedcuber or a curious beginner, this is an opportunity you do not want to miss. Join us, unravel the mystery of the cube, and take home exciting prizes! 17:00 - 22:00: VR Discovery of Hungarian Landmarks Experience the beauty and history of Hungary like never before through our virtual reality tour. Discover famous landmarks and hidden gems in an immersive VR experience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Hungary with our VR experience, brought to you by the Hungarian Tourism Agency. Journey through the most iconic landmarks of Hungary without leaving Brussels: Buda Castle: Wander through the majestic halls of this historic palace, perched high above the Danube River. Parliament Building: Explore the grandeur of Hungary’s seat of government, an architectural marvel on the banks of the Danube. Lake Balaton: Experience the tranquility and stunning vistas of Central Europe's largest freshwater lake. Sopron: Stroll through the charming streets of this ancient town, known for its rich history and beautiful architecture. Tokaj: Discover the famed wine region, celebrated for its sweet Tokaji wines and picturesque vineyards. Bükk: Explore the natural wonders of the Bükk Mountains, home to lush forests and breathtaking landscapes. Pannonhalma: Visit the historic Benedictine Abbey, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of Hungary’s spiritual heritage. Szeged: Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of Szeged, renowned for its stunning cathedral and lively cultural scene. and more This VR experience will transport you to the heart of Hungary's rich cultural and natural heritage. You will envy the chance to visit these stunning locations in person! Do not miss this opportunity to experience Hungary like never before. 18:00 – 19:00: Meeting of Hungarian Dog Breeds Bring your furry friends and meet other proud owners of Hungarian dog breeds. This is a wonderful opportunity to socialize and learn more about these unique and beloved breeds. Hungary is home to a rich heritage of dog breeds, each with unique traits and histories that reflect the country's culture and environment. Join us at the Hungarian Day in Brussels with your Hungarian dog and learn about these remarkable breeds: Puli: Known for its distinctive corded coat, the Puli is an agile herding dog renowned for its intelligence and lively personality. Komondor: With its striking white, corded fur, the Komondor is a formidable guardian of livestock, known for its bravery and protective instincts. Kuvasz: A loyal and courageous protector, the Kuvasz has a long history as a guardian of livestock and property. Pumi: This energetic and alert breed is known for its expressive face and curly coat, making it an excellent herding dog and companion. Mudi: Versatile and intelligent, the Mudi excels in herding, agility, and even search and rescue operations. Vizsla: Elegant and athletic, the Vizsla is a versatile hunting dog with a keen sense of smell and a gentle, affectionate nature. Wirehaired Vizsla: Similar to the Vizsla but with a distinctive wiry coat, this breed is prized for its versatility in hunting and tracking. Transylvanian Hound: An ancient hunting breed, the Transylvanian Hound is known for its endurance, keen scenting abilities, and agility. Hungarian Greyhound: This breed combines speed and endurance, making it an excellent hunter and a loyal, affectionate pet. 19:00 - 20:00: World Music Concert with Magyar Banda Get ready to be enchanted by the vibrant sounds of Magyar Banda, a renowned ensemble bringing the heart and soul of Hungarian folk music to life. This world music concert promises an unforgettable evening filled with traditional melodies and lively rhythms that reflect Hungary's rich cultural heritage. Magyar Banda is celebrated for their authentic interpretations of Hungarian folk tunes, blending the old with the new to create a captivating musical experience. Their performances are not just concerts but journeys into the history and traditions with modern spices. Join us from 19:00 to 20:00 and let the evocative sounds of Magyar Banda transport you to the heart of Hungary. This is a musical experience you will not want to miss, set against the backdrop of the beautiful Parc du Cinquantenaire in Brussels. 20:00 - 21:00: Folk Dance Workshop / Táncház Join our lively folk dance workshop and learn traditional Hungarian dances. This interactive session is perfect for all ages and skill levels, offering a fun way to engage with Hungarian culture. Do not miss this unique celebration of Hungarian heritage and culture. Bring your family and friends for an unforgettable day of fun, learning, and entertainment at the Hungarian Day in Brussels! We look forward to seeing you there!