Detours Winter x Battle


Ontdek een dag vol dans, muziek en actie met workshops, try-outs in de CUBE en kom nadien naar dansbattles in de Pianofabriek.
14:30 - 16:00 | workshop breakdance met SAMBO (+DJ Zulu Wail) @CUBE 16:00 - 18:00 | uitproberen van CUBE-activiteiten (boksen & muziek, min. 15 jaar) @CUBE
18:00 - 22:00 | Batlle Detours @Pianofabriek
Inter-génération all style 2vs2



Suggested events

How do you envision a future when the ground beneath you is constantly shifting, altering your dreams and plans? In a land where ancient cities were destroyed by earthquakes, how can one build when
When humans wage war, the landscape suffers injury. What would a piece of land with a bomb crater in it have to say? How can we humans hear the voices of the animals, plants, stones and soil when t
Monsieur T. est un bonhomme sensible, à tête de lama. Il poursuit la quête absurde de trouver la figure idéale. Alors, il explore les possibilités qui s'offrent à lui. Il cherche, manipule, se fait
Choreographer Eszter Salamon uses a broad range of formats and expressions when she explores contemporary themes. The Living Monument is built on still life, slowness and the presence of the body.
In her “anti-monument” shows, Eszter Salamon attempts to create a form that links the past, present and future. Since 2014 the choreographer has been questioning monumentality as a place of reinven