Young Adult Matters


*** Français ***

Jaepil et Shinji aident accidentellement Saejin et Juyeong à se sortir d'une situation dangereuse. Les quatre adolescents s'échappent dans une montagne où personne ne peut les trouver. Saejin leur demande de l'aider à interrompre sa grossesse, car ils ont gâché sa première tentative en la sauvant. Les adolescents ont-ils vraiment si peu de contrôle sur leur propre vie ?

*** Nederlands ***

Jaepil and Shinji accidently help Saejin and Juyeong out of a dangerous situation. The four teenagers escape to a mountain where no one can find them. Saejin asks them to help her terminate her pregnancy, since they ruined her first attempt by saving her. Do teenagers really have that little control over their own lives? Faced by constant setbacks, they are frustrated again and again. Stuck between youth and adulthood - it's not easy to fight back against the world as a destitute teenager.

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