Screening + Workshop | Local resilience and community engagement


Screening + Workshop | Local resilience and community engagement

La Garrotxa is a rural region in northern Spain that is home to 21 municipalities and over 500 local community organisations. Several of those municipalities are now run by mayors and town councils who share a commitment to increase citizen participation, ecological sustainability, and overall regional resilience, and who work together regardless of their different political colours.

Of the 500+ local community organisations, nearly 100 are dedicated to social and ecological issues and, over the years, have successfully increased public awareness and created political space for positive social and ecological change. One of the driving forces behind this transformation is Resilience Earth, a nonprofit cooperative committed to community resilience and regenerative design. 

CELL and LUCA invite you to join for a presentation of the project La Garrotxa, followed by an interactive workshop in which participants will dive into the framework and methodologies of regional resilience and regeneration. What lessons for Luxembourg can we learn from the Catalan experience?

  • Upon registration, free
  • Language : 
  • Introduction in English
  • Screening in English with French subtitles
  • Workshop in English, with translation in French and Luxembourgish


18:30 | Welcome & Introduction

18:45 | Screening of “Seeds of Resilience” about La Garrotxa

19:00 | Questions & Answers

19:15 | Workshop on the process

  • Erika Zarate (adviser, researcher and facilitator, Resilience Earth)
  • Specialist in community and organisational resilience, transformative education, intercultural facilitation, strategic planning, participatory evaluation and human rights advocacy
  • Oskar Gussinyer (adviser, researcher and facilitator, Resilience Earth)
  • Specialist in regenerative development, territorial and community resilience, and participatory research. Environmentalist and Master in Sustainability, Postgraduate in Culture of Peace and Eco-social Design.

20 :25 | Closing & Snacks

This event is organised by CELL – Citizens for Ecological Learning and Living asbl in collaboration with luca, within the framework of the Transition Days 2024.


Local resilience and community engagement

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#OUNI FILTER Mir chatten, posten, sharen, liken... weisen awer net gären eist richtegt Gesiicht, sou wéi mir wierklech sinn. Mir verstoppen eis léiwer hannert enger Fassad.   #ouni Filter weist mat spatzen Texter, pointéierten Dialogen, geckege Monologen, skurille Situatiounen, verréckte Charakteren, witzege Lidder an allerlee Musekselementer op déi verschidden Alldagsituatiounen hinn. De Mënsch esou, wéi en ass, denkt a fillt mat senge Gewunnechten, Macken, Schwächten a Stäerkten. Ouni Filter. Am Spigelbild, dat mir virgehale kréien, erkenne mir eis selwer a stelle fest, dass mir net anescht si wéi déi aner, an zesumme laacht et sech besser iwwert seng eegen Dommheeten. Fir all déi, déi sech selwer net ze eescht huelen a Loscht hunn, e sozialkritesche Bléck op eis Gesellschaft an op sech selwer ze werfen a sech dobäi gutt ze amuséieren, bidd #ouni Filter e flotten, lëschtegen Owend, wou ee mat engem Laachen am Gesiicht heemgeet. Well heiansdo ass d’Laachen iwwert de Wansinn vum Alldag dee beschte Wee, en ze bewältegen. D’Texter an d’Musék sinn extra fir dëse Programm geschriwwen a komponéiert ginn. D‘Maggy Molitor war laang Presentatrice vum Hei elei kuck elei an och am Theater huet si sech ee Numm gemaach mam Ensembel Makadammen, wou si net just Actrice war, ma och e groussen Deel vun den Texter geschriwwen huet. Regie féiert d’Jacqueline Posing-Van Dyck, dat schons fir sou munch spannend Mise en scène am TNL verantwortlech war.  
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