Producing Animation Films


Producing an animated film is a unique and sometimes perilous adventure … During this round-table discussion, experienced producers will share their experiences and talk about the key stages in producing animated films, from artistic conception to the final work, tackling technical and creative challenges and specificities.

Flagey, Folioscope

€ 9 > € 7

********** Français **********

Produire un film d’animation est une aventure unique et parfois périlleuse… Lors de cette table ronde, producteurs et productrices chevronnés partageront leurs expériences et discuteront sur les étapes clés de la production de films d’animation, de la conception artistique à l'œuvre finale, en abordant défis techniques, créatifs et spécificités.

Flagey, Folioscope

€ 9 > € 7

********** Nederlands **********

Een animatiefilm maken is een unieke en soms hachelijke onderneming. Tijdens dit rondetafelgesprek delen doorwinterde producers hun ervaring. Ze bespreken de sleutelmomenten in het productieproces, van het artistieke concept tot het eindresultaat. Wat zijn de technische en creatieve uitdagingen?

Flagey, Folioscope

€ 9 > € 7


Article 27

Voorgestelde evenementen

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In a vast snowy forest, a lumberjack’s wife rescues a baby that was thrown off a train. Despite the war and poverty, she and her husband decide to protect the baby, or ‘little cargo’, no matter wha
More information soon... Flagey, Folioscope € 9 > € 7 ********** Français ********** Liv, jeune fille intrépide, rêve de s’échapper de sa forêt. Un jour,
Dans les années 1950, François, 11 ans, voit ses parents construire dans leur jardin un voilier, inspiré de Joshua Slocum. Ce projet, mené avec son père adoptif surnommé Slocum, l’accompagnera de l
Discover the making of Flow, the new feature film by Gints Zilbalodis, acclaimed at the Cannes and Annecy Film Festivals! Go behind the scenes of this bold and innovative work, and explore the crea
Tony, who was born with the ability to glow, has never left his home. Wearing a multiform mask, he dreams of having friends. His life is turned upside down by the arrival of his new neighbour, Shel
A cat wakes up in a world overrun by water with no trace of human life. It finds refuge on a boat with a group of other animals. But getting along with them proves a bigger challenge than overcomin
Florida, between Christmas and New Year: Billy, a teenage delivery boy, stumbles upon an alien creature that ruins his attempt to hustle 5,000 dollars. With humour, he confronts a diabolical enterp
Be inspired by the projects of Belgian animation studios. In a short, dynamic format, this event is an opportunity to find out more about current projects and job prospects. It’s also a great way t
Picha left his mark on the animated films of the 1970s and 1980s with his irreverent style. But where does he stand today? And how should we view this iconoclastic creator – cartoonist, animator, T