EXPOSITION de Joseph Turpel au profit de Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg


EXPOSITION de Joseph Turpel au profit de Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg

L'ONG Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg et EXKi ont le plaisir de vous inviter à l'exposition de l'artiste plasticien Joseph Turpel.


"Dans ma peinture, je trace librement selon mon intuition sans trop de prémonition intellectuelle, le dessin souvent inhibé de mon vécu, avec ma main et des techniques différentes (pinceau à l'encre de chine ; aquarelle ; acrylique ou bien peinture à l'huile)."
- Joseph Turpel

L'exposition est ouverte au public à partir du premier octobre 2018 pendant les heures d'ouverture du restaurant.
Les œuvres seront mises en vente au profit de l'asbl Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg afin de soutenir les réseaux de producteurs en matière de formation continue et de programmes de développement.


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OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [https://www.rotondes.lu/fr/agenda/light-leaks-festival-2024] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [https://www.lightleaks.lu/] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/lightleaksfestival] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/lightleaksfestival]
OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [https://www.rotondes.lu/fr/agenda/light-leaks-festival-2024] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [https://www.lightleaks.lu/] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/lightleaksfestival] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/lightleaksfestival]
IL ÉTAIT UNE FOIS… Pour enfants de 4–6 ans En français Gratuit pour les enfants. Prix d’entrée [https://www.mudam.com/plan-your-visit#openingHoursAndTicketsBlock] pour les adultes. Sur inscription : mudam.com/rsvp-il-etait-une-fois [https://www.mudam.com/rsvp-il-etait-une-fois] t +352 453785–531 Rejoins-nous au Mudam, un musée plein de merveilles, pour cette balade contée et explorons ensemble les histoires qui se cachent derrière les œuvres d’art.
"ASTEROID MISSION" - SUNDAY GUIDED TOURS “Asteroid Mission”, an exhibition on the formation of the solar system, the dangers of meteorite falls, the defense of our planet and the exploitation of space resources. * €: Entrance fee 'natur musée' * 15:00 - 16:00 * Audience : 12+ * no registration
DROP IN! MUDAM MINDMAP Dans le cadre de l’exposition : A Model [https://www.mudam.com/fr/expositions/a-model] Joignez-vous à nous pour créer un musée unique en son genre. Chacun·e est invité·e à y contribuer en recouvrant les murs blancs du Mudam Studio avec ses dessins, ses mots et ses idées. Ensemble, créons une grande œuvre d’art collective qui repense la vision d’un musée d’aujourd’hui.
OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [https://www.rotondes.lu/fr/agenda/light-leaks-festival-2024] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [https://www.lightleaks.lu/] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/lightleaksfestival] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/lightleaksfestival]
OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [https://www.rotondes.lu/fr/agenda/light-leaks-festival-2024] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [https://www.lightleaks.lu/] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/lightleaksfestival] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/lightleaksfestival]
GUIDED TOUR WITH ASSISTANT CURATOR CARLOTTA PIERLEONI Within the framework of the exhibition: Portraits [https://www.mudam.com/exhibitions/sin-wai-kin---2023-baloise-art-prize] In English Free of charge Booking required: mudam.com/rsvp-visite-curateur [https://www.mudam.com/rsvp-visite-curateur] +352 453785-531 The exhibition Portraits transforms the Foyer of Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean into a space for the exploration of the possibilities of storytelling, and of perceived notions of reality. Enclosed within a white curtained structure are five moving-image artworks from the series Portraits (2023) by artist Sin Wai Kin (b. 1991, Toronto). Transformation, subjective reality, and the existence of other realities – which the artist invites viewers to ponder often through the state of dreaming – are all themes which hold a significant place in Sin’s works. In their almost imperceptible movements, the living portraits push the limits of the pictorial tradition, and the subject’s capacity of displaying an awareness of the viewer’s gaze, sometimes powerfully holding it. Sin Wai Kin is the recipient of the 24th Baloise Art Prize. Founded in 1999, the prize is awarded annually at Art Basel to two artists exhibiting within the Statements section of the fair. Experience this exhibition through the gaze of the curator Carlotta Pierleoni.