
********** English **********

Novastar's train continues to rumble on. Joost Zweegers and band just finished a completely sold-out tour in February and it was so well received that the demand for more shows can't be kept up. So two concerts are being added to the live story including Sept. 13 in AB!Don't call 'The Best Is Yet To Come' a best off record, because Joost Zweegers doesn't like that. 'Be great or be gone' is the slogan that has hung over his piano for many years. The slogan that ensures that Novastar is even now more relevant than ever and that this songwriter continues to deliver pearls. But companions Mikey Rowe & Andrew Britton were able to convince him to put a collection of his most beloved songs in a new format. The record also had to have a live-feel, and thanks to pianist Mikey Rowe (Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds), guitarist Andy Britton (Top Gear soundtracks), guitarist Skin Tyson (Robert Plant), drummer Keith Prior (David Gray) and bassist Erik Rademakers (Selah Sue), he succeeded. Together with this band, Joost dove into the famous "Studio 2" of the Abbey Road Studios, the exact same place where his great heroes The Beatles recorded their greatest successes, to put the crowning glory on these recording sessions.Novastar at Abbey Road. Coming full circle.Along with the album "The Best Is Yet To Come," Joost also wants to do what he lives for: stand on a stage. He overwhelmed audiences and press with the mini-tour in February (Antwerp, Ostend and Amsterdam) and since then there is only one question: will there be more concerts? You don't have to keep asking Joost that, so he's adding two exclusive shows to the live leg of 'The Best Is Yet To Come'!

********** Français **********

Le train de Novastar continue de rouler. Joost Zweegers et son groupe viennent de terminer une tournée à guichets fermés en février et celle-ci a été si bien accueillie que la demande de concerts supplémentaires ne peut être satisfaite. C'est pourquoi deux concerts ont été ajoutés à l'histoire, dont le 13 septembre à l'AB !N'appelez pas "The Best Is Yet To Come" un disque de fin de carrière, car Joost Zweegers n'aime pas cela. Be great or be gone" est le slogan qui plane sur son piano depuis de nombreuses années. Un slogan qui permet à Novastar d'être plus que jamais d'actualité et à ce songwriter de continuer à livrer des perles. Mais les compagnons Mikey Rowe et Andrew Britton ont réussi à le convaincre de présenter une collection de ses chansons les plus appréciées sous un nouveau format. Le disque avait également besoin d'une touche live, et grâce au pianiste Mikey Rowe (High Flying Birds de Noel Gallagher), au guitariste Andy Britton (Top Gear soundtracks), au guitariste Skin Tyson (Robert Plant), au batteur Keith Prior (David Gray) et au bassiste Erik Rademakers (Selah Sue), il y est parvenu. Avec ce groupe, Joost a plongé dans le célèbre "Studio 2" des studios Abbey Road, à l'endroit même où ses grands héros, les Beatles, ont enregistré leurs plus grands succès, pour mettre un point d'orgue à ces sessions d'enregistrement.Novastar à Abbey Road. La boucle est bouclée.En plus de l'album 'The Best Is Yet To Come', Joost veut aussi faire ce pour quoi il vit : monter sur scène. La mini-tournée qu'il a effectuée en février (Anvers, Ostende et Amsterdam) a subjugué le public et la presse et, depuis, une seule question se pose : y aura-t-il d'autres concerts ? Joost ajoute deux concerts exclusifs à la partie live de "The Best Is Yet To Come" !

********** Nederlands **********

De trein van Novastar blijft voort denderen. Joost Zweegers en band hebben er net een compleet uitverkochte tournee in februari op zitten en die werd zo goed onthaald dat de vraag naar meer shows niet bij te houden is. Dus er worden twee concerten toegevoegd aan het live-verhaal waaronder 13 september in AB!Noem ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’ geen best off-plaat, want daar houdt Joost Zweegers niet van. ‘Be great or be gone’ is de slogan die al vele jaren boven zijn piano hangt. De slagzin die ervoor zorgt dat Novastar ook nu nog relevanter dan ooit is en die ervoor zorgt dat deze songwriter blijft parels afleveren. Maar kompanen Mikey Rowe & Andrew Britton konden hem overtuigen om een verzameling van zijn meest geliefde nummers in een nieuw jasje te steken. De plaat moest eveneens een live-feel krijgen, en dankzij pianist Mikey Rowe (Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds), gitarist Andy Britton (Top Gear soundtracks), gitarist Skin Tyson (Robert Plant), drummer Keith Prior (David Gray) en bassist Erik Rademakers (Selah Sue) lukte dat. Samen met deze band dook Joost de befaamde “Studio 2” van de Abbey Road Studios in, op exact dezelfde plaats waar zijn grote helden The Beatles hun grootste successen hebben opgenomen, om de kroon op deze recording sessions te zetten.Novastar in Abbey Road. De cirkel is rond. Samen met de plaat ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’ wil Joost ook hetgene doen waar hij voor leeft: op een podium staan. Hij overdonderde publiek en pers met de minitournee in februari (Antwerpen, Oostende en Amsterdam) en sindsdien is er maar één vraag: komen er nog concerten bij? Dat hoef je Joost niet te blijven vragen, dus hij voegt twee exlusieve shows toe aan het live-luik van ‘The Best Is Yet To Come’!




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********** English ********** Whether he's belting out tunes like a classic crooner, rocking the stage with a bit of rockabilly, or sending smooth jazz vibes, Sebi Lee is a man of many musical hats. He made his debut in 1995 in various bars in the capital. A self-taught pianist, he plays whenever an opportunity presents itself. Very quickly, he was invited to perform at internationally renowned festivals. Since then, he has played all over Europe. He even went as far as California. Throughout his journey, Sebi Lee had the chance to meet personalities such as Toots Thielemans, Linda Gail Lewis, Sleepy Labeef, The Rubettes, and JD McPherson. Grand Casino Brussels VIAGE // Open 7/7 // EAT. PLAY. DRINK. * Free for members / A single fee of €10 for new members including 1 membership card + €5 casino chips + 1 free drink ********** Français ********** Tantôt crooner, tantôt rockabilly ou encore jazziste et même bluesman, Sebi Lee a pas mal de dénominatifs. C'est en 1995 qu’il fait ses débuts dans différents bars de la capitale. Pianiste autodidacte, il joue dès qu’une occasion se présente. Très vite, il est invité à jouer dans des festivals de renommée internationale. Depuis, il a joué un peu partout en Europe. Il est même allé jusqu’en Californie. Au travers de son parcours, Sebi Lee a été amené à rencontrer des personnalités telles que Toots Thielemans, Linda Gail Lewis, Sleepy Labeef, The Rubettes ou encore JD McPherson. Grand Casino Brussels VIAGE // Ouvert 7/7 // EAT. PLAY. DRINK. * Gratuit pour les membres / Un seul et unique tarif de 10€ pour les nouveaux membres comprenant 1 carte de membre + 5€ de jetons casino + 1 boisson ********** Nederlands ********** Of hij nu deuntjes uithaalt als een klassieke crooner, het podium rockt met een beetje rockabilly of smooth jazz vibes laat horen, Sebi Lee is een man met vele muzikale hoeden. Hij debuteerde in 1995 in verschillende bars in de hoofdstad. Als autodidact speelt hij piano wanneer de gelegenheid zich voordoet. Al snel werd hij uitgenodigd om op te treden op internationaal gerenommeerde festivals. Sindsdien heeft hij in heel Europa gespeeld. Hij ging zelfs tot in Californië. Tijdens zijn reis heeft Sebi Lee persoonlijkheden ontmoet als Toots Thielemans, Linda Gail Lewis, Sleepy Labeef, The Rubettes en JD McPherson. Grand Casino Brussels VIAGE // Open 7/7 // EAT. PLAY. DRINK. * Gratis voor leden / Een eenmalige bijdrage van €10 voor nieuwe leden inclusief 1 lidmaatschapskaart + €5 casino chips + 1 drankje
Sarah Letor (vocals,piano), Hervé Letor (drums,sax), Luca Giambarresi (bass) , Nicolas Dewalque (Guitar)  The original titles of Sarah Letor crossed the airwaves of Belgian radio. Not only does her talent as a singer and her grain of voice challenge, but above all the sharing and passion for soul/pop bluesthat she transmits to her audience.Sarah Letor’s universe has a freshness and energy that shine like sun through her music… Better for us to agree with her!!! TICKET: 18€ Members – No Members 20€
Duygu Alkan ( voice), Julia Tavit ( piano), Şükrü Kirtiş ( ney) Duygu Alkan (vocal), Julia Tavit (piano), Şükrü Kirtiş ( ney) blend colourful soundscapes from classical Turkish music and Anatolia. They will perform traditional and classical tunes from Anatolia. Duygu Alkan is a Turkish singer based in Netherlands and a master alumni of Codarts University (Rotterdam) and bachelor of music from Ege University ( Izmir).Throughout her musical career, Duygu has been performing in established venues in Europe and Middle East and has shared two ep albums with prominent musicians. In her musical career which spans over 10 years and includes 2 solo albums as well as three prestigious Award nominations by the Turkish Ministry of Culture. Julia Tavit started her piano studies with Maretta Khacaturyan, at age of 11 was admitted to the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts State Conservatory. She attended the Manhattan School of Music Summer School in 2016, where besides the Piano courses she refined her skills in composition and Chamber Music playing. In 2018, she was awarded the second prize in the New York Golden Classical Music Awards International Piano Competition and she was invited to perform a Solo Piano Recital at Carnegie Hall, Usa. Currently, Julia Tavit is studying at Codarts University with Stephan de May. Sükrü Kirtis, born in Amsterdam, was introduced to the Ney, a precursor to the modern flute, at a young age. With the support of various teachers and ney players, he developed into a virtuoso player and performed concerts in venues such as the Royal Concertgebouw, Meervaart, and Theater Zuidplein. In addition to performing concerts with the Nbe (Nederlands Blazers Ensemble), one of the leading orchestras in the Netherlands, he participated in programs in various countries such as France, Belgium, and Germany. Şükrü is active in solo, chamber music, and choir ensembles. Videos from previous concerts:
Tribute To Ray Charles & Marvin Gaye Selim Miles Boudraa : saxMaxime Moyarts : piano, organMatteo Di Leonardo : mandolinaGuylain Domas : basseBenny Ben Téqui : drums Often referred to as “The Genius”, Charles pioneered the soul music genre during the 1950s by combining  blues, jazz, rhythm and blues, and gospel styles, and became one of the first black musicians to be granted artistic control by a mainstream record company.Marvin Gaye was equally as influential; he helped shape the sound of Motown in the 1960s, first as an in-house session player and later as a solo artist with a string of hits which earned him the nicknames “Prince of Motown” and “Prince of Soul”. TICKET: 18€ Members – No Members 20€
Patsy Verfaille vocalsPatrick Deltenre guitarLuca keysFabrizio Erba bassToto Poznantek drums This band pays tribute to deceased iconic artists. With a repertoire that consists of the greatest hits of legendary artists, they bring the music of these icons back to life on stage.From the soulful sounds of Aretha Franklin to the electrifying rock of Janis Joplin, they captivate the audience with their performances of timeless classics.For music history enthusiasts and fans of the great names of the past, this night is an unforgettable experience. Step back in time and experience the magic of the legendary artists through the vibrant performances of this talented band. TICKET: 18€ Members – No Members 20€
Edoardo Cimino electric guitar, Emanuel van Mieghem double bass, Umberto Odone drums, Ee Hygun Tenor sax The music proposed is a combination of traditional straight-ahead jazz and countryfolk, the main concept behind all the composition is to create a balance between simple melodies and sophisticated harmony. VIDEO LINK : ENTRANCE 1 drink mandatory
Tribute to Nat King Cole Wouter Van den Broek : piano, vocalsAndrew Bolton : double bass, vocalsMatthias De Waele : drumsGuillaume Gillain : guitar, vocals Inspired by the famous Nat King Cole, these musicians revisit the great standards of the Swing era. Having always played together, it is with a huge complicity that they share their passion for this music. TICKET: 16€ Members – No Members  18€