To shima- Music from Crete, Thrace, Greek Islands


“To Schima” is a three-piece band whose repertoire is centered around Greek traditional music. Nikos, with family roots in Crete and Chios, plays lyra and gaida since childhood, and studies jazz music at KASK Ghent. Michaël, a teacher of ancient Greek, plays the Cretan laouto, and together they started playing Cretan music. Niels, jazz student at the Conservatorium of Antwerp joined them with percussion, and now they play not only Cretan music, but also music from Thrace and the islands, and songs from Minor Asia.

Nikos Tsouvalas - lyra, gaida, ukelele, flute, voice
Michaël Braeckman - laouto, bulgari, voice
Niels De Jongh - percussion

Art Base, Thursday 12/9/24 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to


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