Join us for a special film screening of "Intercepted"
Ukrainian intelligence services have intercepted thousands of phone calls
Russian soldiers mad
Wunderkammer of Truth: In search of the truth
The Ghent University Museum (GUM) and Botanical Garden will take you on a quest for the truth. This exhibition provides an answer to questions such as: What is true and what isn’t? What do we really want to know? Does absolute certainty exist? What is the role of science in this regard? Does a museum always tell the truth?
The Ghent University Museum (GUM) and Botanical Garden confront big names and young talent from the art world with exceptional research from home and abroad and intriguing science projects in which you can participate live. The exhibition extends into the rest of the museum and the Botanical Garden. In the Wunderkammer of TRUTH, you (might) learn all about the truth. The exhibition is definitely worth a visit.
Verken de vele manieren waarop mensen zoeken naar ‘waarheid’. Wie of wat vinden we betrouwbaar? En vinden anderen dat ook? Wat ervaren we als echt en welke rol spelen taal en beeld daarin? Is wat we weten over het verleden de (enige) waarheid? Kan je met wetenschap absolute zekerheid bereiken? Is het beter om de waarheid te kennen?
Accessible with a CityCard Gent
Reduced rate for escorts accompanying persons with disabilities
Reduction -18 years
Reduction -26 years
Reduction +65 years
Reduction groups min. 10 pers.
Basic price