
From autumn 2023 The Watch will start showcasing 1972 – 1973 Genesis masterpieces “Foxtrot” and “Selling England by the Pound” with a brand new show “FOXTROT & SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND – A Genesis Experience”.

The dramatic Gabrielesque vocals of The Watch singer, closest ever to Peter Gabriel, and the all-round instrumental excellence of the band will give you the opportunity to hear some magnificent songs, like it was back in the days.

No other group manages to capture the adventurousness and electricity of Genesis in their pioneering times with quite such raw emotion. just close your eyes and there you are in the seventies!

With their deliciously intense performances of early Genesis classics, The Watch has aroused enormous interest from Genesis fans, bringing the band, from year to year, on more and more articulated tours throughout Europe and UK.


Steve Hackett (Genesis lead guitarist) says: "The Watch is a band of very talented people and I recommend them


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