Côté Jardin: Music in the open air


Côté Jardin is a musical pick-nick in the gardens of De Bijloke. You can enjoy a taste of what’s to come outside in the garden.


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Festival gratuit dans le parc Le Copacobana Festival est un projet de l'association Anamma vzw. Le festival gratuit se déroulera à nouveau en juin cette année. Comme l'année dernière, il sera un peu plus petit et convivial que les années précédentes. Autre point important : nous repartons pour trois jours de Copacobana. Rendez-vous les 28, 29 et 30 juin au parc Rozebroeken. Entre-temps, le Copacobana Festival, sous toutes ses formes, en est déjà à sa quatorzième édition. Horaires d'ouverture du Copacobana Festival : Vendredi : 18h00 – 02h00 Samedi : 14h00 – 02h00 Dimanche : 14h00 – 22h00 Festival gratuit dans le parc Le Copacobana Festival est un projet de l'association Anamma vzw. Le festival gratuit se déroulera à nouveau en juin cette année. Comme l'année dernière, il sera un peu plus petit et convivial que les années précédentes. Autre point important : nous repartons pour trois jours de Copacobana. Rendez-vous les 28, 29 et 30 juin au parc Rozebroeken. Entre-temps, le Copacobana Festival, sous toutes ses formes, en est déjà à sa quatorzième édition. Horaires d'ouverture du Copacobana Festival : Vendredi : 18h00 – 02h00 Samedi : 14h00 – 02h00 Dimanche : 14h00 – 22h00 Devenez bénévole Pour tout le monde Au Copacobana, la rencontre est au cœur de l'événement. Que vous soyez jeune, vieux, habitant du quartier ou non-Gantois, tout le monde est le bienvenu. Le programme est chaque année très varié. Il y a de tout pour tous les goûts : danse swing, théâtre, poésie, musique intime... Tout est possible sur les scènes du Copacobana Festival. Vous voulez aider ? Le festival est entièrement gratuit et organisé par des bénévoles. Chaque année, nous avons besoin de nombreuses mains aidantes. Vous avez envie de faire partie d'une équipe sympa ? Découvrez-en plus sur notre page dédiée à nos bénévoles.
Meer Stemmig Gent is a festival held in and around the Church of Saint Macarius and Saint Bavo’s Abbey in Ghent. The festival comprises an opening concert and a day filled with various activities. The aim of the festival is to shine a spotlight on the unique, rich cultural heritage of Flemish and other polyphony of the renaissance era. This weekend of music is opened on Saturday by the Binchois Consort (UK) and Jos Van Immerseel. On Sunday, there are performances by El Grillo (BE), Hathor Consort (BE), Currende (BE) and Ensemble Dialogos (FR). In addition, there are workshops and an open mic for young talent. You can also enjoy free performances by Wim Claeys and a music lecture by Fabrice Fitch (UK). Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Every year in July jazz enthusiasts can have a great time during the Gent Jazz Festival. Renowned artists from Belgium and abroad make up the programme. The charming Bijloke site is the backdrop for this jazz festival that appeals to a broad audience. Global superstars and up-and-coming talents will treat the audience musically. You will also be able to enjoy delicious drinks and tasty meals at the numerous bars and food stalls.
Every year, the Ghent Organ Centre, an organisation that keeps the art of the organ alive, organises an organ festival in St Bavo's Cathedral. Louis Bys and Pierre Destrée built the organ between 1653 and 1655. It bears the coat of arms of bishop Triest, who gifted the organ to the cathedral. Every year, guest organists from around the world come to Gent to give it their all during the International Organ Festival. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
During The Ghent Festivities, Polé Polé will bring the best of pop, latin and world music in an extraordinary setting at the historic Graslei. For ten days, Polé Polé will bring colour to Ghent’s city centre and provide a southern and sultry atmosphere on and around a stage by the water. A programme packed with live bands and afterparties. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Boomtown is a seven-day alternative music festival on the Kouter, in the Handelsbeurs and in the beautiful Opera, presenting a mix of mainstream and more alternative music. At the Boomtown festival, you will not only be introduced to the best alternative artists, you will also be able to have a drink or enjoy a snack at various stalls. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!