Pause musicale // Jordi Grognard – Jann Dūne


********** Français **********

Vaux-Hall Summer : le rendez-vous estival au Parc de Bruxelles
Tout l'été, du jeudi au dimanche, le Vaux-Hall accueillera une programmation festive et culturelle au coeur du Parc de Bruxelles. Gratuit et accessible à tous.tes, c’est le rendez-vous incontournable de l’été.

Pause musicale
L’horloger du temps, sur une chaise haute, vêtu de sa tenue de garde champêtre, chantera les secondes dans un décalage horaire mystérieux. Aussitôt, une musicienne ou un musicien improvisera sur cette abstraction temporelle inhabituelle – également appelé le LABYRINTH du temps. À la sortie de celui-ci, une deuxième partie sera proposée – plus mélodique cette fois-ci.

Jordi Grognard
Compositeur, improvisateur et joueur de saxophone, ce sera du reste, le seul musicien durant ces festivités au Vaux Hall à jouer de cet instrument national. Si Adolphe Saxe avait été encore vivant, celui-ci lui en aurait été certainement reconnaissant… éternellement.

Jann Dūne
Accompagnée de sa guitare acoustique, cette auteur compositrice abordera son répertoire avec réconfort. La jeune femme est aussi kinésithérapeute. Ses chansons pourraient avoir le toucher qu’ont ses mains.

********** Nederlands **********

Vaux-Hall Summer: de zomerse afspraak in het Warandepark.
De hele zomer lang, van donderdag tot zondag, biedt de Vaux-Hall een feestelijk en cultureel programma in het hart van het Warandepark. Gratis en voor iedereen, dé place to be deze zomer.

Muzikale pauze
De tijdwaarnemer, gezeten in een hoge stoel en verkleed als landwachter, zal de seconden zingen in een mysterieuze tijdsverandering. Onmiddellijk improviseert een muzikant* op deze ongewone empirische abstractie – ook bekend als de LABYRINTE van de tijd (die 30 minuten duurt). Aan het eind hiervan wordt een tweede deel aangeboden – melodieuzer dit keer.

Jordi Grognard
Is componist, improvisator en saxofonist. Hij zal overigens als enige muzikant dit nationale instrument bespelen tijdens de festiviteiten in de Vaux-Hall. Als Adolphe Sax nog had geleefd, zou hij hem zeker dankbaar zijn geweest… voor altijd.

Jann Dūne
In het gezelschap van haar akoestische gitaar benadert deze singer-songwriter haar repertoire op een troostende manier. Ze is ook kinesitherapeut. Haar liedjes raken je in je hart.



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Suggested events

Hervé Letor : Sax tenorSal La Rocca  : A bassMartin de Marneffe : PianoBen Tequi  : Drums The quartet is playing often some jazz loops with good influence off Hiphop.Their creativity and influence are really open,they can play some Coltrane standard like “Giant steps” and after playing “Mob Deep ” groove.Graduaded from Berklee College of music in Boston Martin has played with many musicians like Esperanza Spalding our Christian Scott.As result of his formal training,musical intuition and creativity, he is at home in any style of music from Reggae to Latin jazz to bossa-nova.  TICKET: 16€ Members – No Members 18€
K.G. Westman is one of Europe´s foremost sitar players in the field of North Indian classical and semi classical music. As a senior disciple of Pandit Rabindra Narayan Goswami he has performed in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Egypt, Europe, USA and Russia as well as for radio and T.V. Due to training in both Indian and Western Music, he also makes an excellent teacher and conductor of workshops regardless of the background of the participants. K.G. Westman is one of the founders and main organizers of the Stockholm Sangeet Festival, Scandinavia’s most prestigious event for Indian Classical Music and dance, which has run continuously for over 15 years. The interest in Indian Music began when his father moved to Kerala in 1996. Already an accomplished guitar player and recording artist, he tried his hand at the Saraswati Veena, before making up his mind that the sitar was the instrument for him. Then in 2004 he started to learn the basics of sitar technique, raag and taal, first from Stian Grimstad, then also from Anil Singh of Dharamshala, before he was accepted as a student of Goswamiji in 2006. In 2017 the classical album Sonashish was released on the Kolkata label Bihaan Music, in 2022 the Swedish-Indian-Egyptian collaboration KG Westman & Zaعfaran and in 2023 an album featuring the self composed raag Anandpriya. ARUP SENGUPTA doesn't need any introduction to Hindustani music lovers in Europe as he regularly performs with renowned Hindustani Musicians throughout Europe, India and the US. Arup is considered to be one of the most sought after Tabla accompanists in Europe. He studied Tabla with Tabla exponent Pandit Subhen Chatterjee from Kolkata (India) as well as with Subhenji's own Guru, the renowned and legendary Tabla Master Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri, who is considered to be one of the world top most Tabla players.
Guitar : Patrick DeltenreBass : Fabrizio ErbaKeys & Guitar : LucaDrums: Toto PoznantekVocals: Mary Lou The The Best of Soul MusicMary Lou and her Band bring you the Best of Funk & Soul Music.From Stevie Wonder to Aretha Franklin, they Revisit all the Classics.An evening Not To Be Missed TICKET: 18€ Members – No Members 20€
********** Français ********** A l’occasion de la fête nationale, notre caravane scène sillonnera les quartiers de la commune. Un parcours musical pour découvrir les différentes facettes du jazz. Programme : 14h00 : Jourdan Village - Osez Joséphine 15h30 : place communale (pl. Henri Vanhuffel) - Kalypso Nation 17h15 : place Simonis - Rabesolo Trio 19h00 : Wegske (av. de la Basilique) - Creamcolored Ponies 21h00 : place de Bastogne - Charlotte Renwa Trio ********** Nederlands ********** geen vertaling.
Eduardo Yágüez: FluteIbon Perez: GuitarFrancesco Marchetti: Double bassJohn de Martino: Drums Mr.Pinky is originally formed in December 2021, the quartet plays original compositions based on sounds from all jazz, groove and modern tendencies into an eclectic and rich soundscape, mixing the different cultural roots from all the band members and full of energetic and interactive solos. VIDEO LINK : ENTRANCE 1 drink mandatory
"Tzigan" (Gypsy Tango Trio) formerly Zingaros, is an Argentinian trio with violin, accordion, guitar and vocals, who blends eastern gypsy music with tango and jazz. Their concerts are distinguished by a great musicality and virtuosity, making an exciting performance. They were touring in Europe from 2009 to 2023, performing in different venues among others: Salzburger Festspiele (Austria), Tolwood Festival (Germany), Fusion Festival (Germany), Romane Dyvesa (Poland), Schlossnacht Dresde (Germany), Donauinselfest (Austria), Breminale Festival (Germany), Festival Internacional de tango (Argentina), Vamos Festival (UK), Gyspy Festival Slovakia (Slovakia), Vincoli Sonori Festival (Italy), Birmingham Jazz Festival (UK) etc etc. In January 2010 their CD "Cirkari" was released in 65 countries by ARC music label in the UK ( Also some songs were included in compilations of ARC’s 35th anniversary. In 2013 a new CD "Gitango" was released in UK by the same label. The band was nominated for Best Group and Newcomer for the Songlines Music Awards 2014. Art Base, Tuesday 23/7 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
Selim Miles Boudraa : saxMaxime Moyarts : pianoGuylain Domas : contrebasseBenny Ben Téqui : drums Born and raised in North Carolina, Coltrane moved to Philadelphia after graduating from high school, where he studied music. Working in the bebopand hard bop idioms early in his career, Coltrane helped pioneer the use of modes and was one of the players at the forefront of free jazz. He led at least fifty recording sessions and appeared on many albums by other musicians, including trumpeter Miles Davis and pianist Thelonious Monk. Over the course of his career, Coltrane’s music took on an increasingly spiritual dimension, as exemplified on his most acclaimed album A love Suprem (1965) and others. FREE ENTRANCE 1 drink mandatory
The Roots of Standards  Igor Gehenot (piano), Pauline Leblond (trumpet), Steven Delannoye (t.sax),Sal La Rocca (doublebass) & Umberto Odone (drums) Pianist Igor Gehenot presents his new group in a traditional quintet format: rhythm, tenor saxophone and trumpet. Together, they return to the roots of standards, both well-known and little-known, which they revisit with delightful dynamism. TICKET:18 Members – No Members 20€
Together, we are "Araíz" – a name that signifies roots, heritage, and the blending of diverse musical traditions. Each member of our flamenco band brings a piece of their homeland, enriched with Indian and Greek flavours, creating a melting pot of cultures and sounds. Based in the Netherlands, we immerse listeners in a mystic atmosphere, evoking intense emotions and crafting magical moments. Join us on our European tour, where every performance is a testament to the beauty of cultural exchange. Araíz - Band Members Vangelis Chatzigiannis "El Grecio": Voice Claudia Karapanou: Dance Lucas Arango: Guitar Lucas Zegrí: Percussion Tarang Poddar: Tabla