Off du Post : Shy, Low • Blackshape • Wuw / Supersonic (Free entry)


Cette soirée plaira aux fans de... Caspian, Cult of Luna et Year of no light.

POST IN PARIS présente :

SHY, LOW (22h00)(Post Rock / Metal - Richmond, USA)SHY, LOW are true masters of the exquisite craft of stark contrasts and broad dynamics, from delicate crescendos to the grandiose power of the riff… a craft that lies at the heart of every outstanding instrumental rock record. The Richmond, Virginia based three-piece has made an absolutely incredible and epic album brimming with creativity, groove, heaviness and truly outstanding songwriting, a record that is intricate and mature, yet gloriously anthemic and catchy at the same time.

BLACKSHAPE (21h00)(Post Rock / Metal - Salt Lake City, USA)BLACKSHAPE is a post-metal band from Salt Lake City, Utah in the United States formed by four members. The band is primarily instrumental with occasional vocals used to highlight and augment critical moments within their performance. The recent success of their music video for the song entitled ITIIITIATIIHYLIHYL has provided unexpected international acceptance.

WUW (20h00)(Post Metal - Salt Lake City, USA)Inspired by classical music, free jazz and drone the two classically trained brothers Benjamin and Guillaume Colin have been creating lo-f experimental post-doom epics in the vein of Year of No Light, Dirge and Omega Massif since 2016. “WuW is the sound wind makes when it blows on a hot night,” explains the band, “It’s a low-end murmur that grabs you by the guts, a blast of air rushing through the mountains and the oceans.” Their upcoming third album L’Orchaostre is an anthem to a restless journey, a fve-part doom symphony that creates a shroud of oppressive atmospheres with only a pinch of light.———————————Mercredi 14 Aout 2024Entrée gratuite• Ouverture des portes à 19h00• Happy Hour de 19h à 20h• Si vous êtes témoin ou victime d’une agression, vous pouvez alerter le personnel du bar ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez nous écrire à cette adresse:———————————SUPERSONIC9 rue Biscornet, 75012 ParisMétro Bastille (sortie rue de lyon)

Artistes : Shy, Low,Blackshape,WuW



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