David Labi - Pieces of a man


A father. A son. Some baggage.
a comic one-man show
David’s father was a Libyan Jew who survived the Nazi concentration camps as a child. Larger than life, he went on through business boom and bust, casinos and shady deals, a bomb attack, and more – hauling his loved ones on his wild rollercoaster of a life.
Now David’s having his latest midlife crisis. He longs to grow up, but his macho dad keeps getting in the way. In Pieces of a Man, David brings us on a hilarious and transformational journey to find his dead father, and live on.
A show about the healing power of storytelling – with jokes – Pieces of a Man was hailed by Belgium's top theatre critic Wouter Hillaert as “a masterclass".
Pieces of a Man has shown in Antwerp (Arenberg and De Studio), Brussels (Pianofabriek), and Amsterdam (Mezrab). It’s been on at Amsterdam Intl. Storytelling Festival, London’s Charing Cross Theatre, and Berlin’s legendary Volksbühne theatre. Catch it in David's hometown of Brussels this autumn fresh from the Ostend Theatre Aan Zee summer festival.
Doors open at 7pm
Show starts at 8pm



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