Taste of friendship


"One of the greatest happinesses in this life is friendship, and one of the happinesses of friendship is knowing someone to whom confiding a secret is possible."
Is there anything stronger than love? Calm and less dangerous? A feeling that would make us feel safe? No tragedies, no jealousies, no deadly interruptions, but something that would comfort our souls and hearts? Would this be so simple? Taste of friendship is the story of a man and a woman who will build a strong friendship. They are also two artists from different backgrounds who will discover themselves in life, but also through their joint creative work. It is love in the sense of the "agapé" of the ancient Greeks, which has been liberated by Eros and is always benevolent. However, this is not an entirely pink story. Alex and Luca live and dance moments of pure happiness, but also misunderstandings. There will be ups and downs, happiness and blues. But for sure there will be no regrets at the end of the day.

With Luca Arrigoni and Paola Zampierolo
Choreography : Luca Arrigoni


Between 15 and 25 euros

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