SERAFINE1369 untitled video work


The obelisk is a monolith, a 200 tonne single piece of rock that has seen more sunrises than I can conceive of. I wonder how many died in the process of its creation, in the storm of its movement...There is a time capsule inside the pedestal on which the obelisk is mounted, it contains images of the 12 most attractive ladies of England from the year 1878; What is the role of worship within our relationships? What, or who, do you worship? What do we want to remain of our time here?Time makes me small, and yet I can touch this time through the stone - does this time touch back? Does it speak? And if I listen, what does it say?The writing says that this rock was gift, whose is it to give the gift of time, of the labour of honouring something or someone now forgotten, or alive under a new name. Sun, Moon...gods assume new names and persist. Time and weather, movements of god. 

Datum informatie

2022-02-03: 17:00:00 - 20:00:00

2022-02-04: 16:00:00 - 23:00:00

2022-02-05: 14:00:00 - 20:00:00


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