Ric Diez & Friends


Ric Diez is back with some of his comedian friends, this time trying at another venue, Le Réservoir right next to Sablon

Ric Diez (@sadmanric), an enigmatic Spanish one-liner comedian, a maestro of the absurd and the dark. With a razor-sharp wit and a penchant for the unconventional, he crafts jokes that probe the depths of the human psyche, leaving audiences in stitches while contemplating life's complexities. He’s the first European recipient of the coveted Golden Ticket on the "Kill Tony" show, and recently made noise at the first Kill Tony Arena Show. Prepare to be both amused and enlightened as he fearlessly navigates the murky waters of the human experience, one punchline at a time.


Doors open at 7 pm

Show starts at 8 pm



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