POTUS, Or Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive


The American Theatre Company (ATC) presents "POTUS, Or Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive" by Selina Fillinger in English for eight nights at the Warehouse Studio Theatre in Schaerbeek, from 7 to 16 November 2024.

Directed by Robynn Colwell, this razor-sharp political farce centers on seven fierce women working behind the scenes of the White House, managing mayhem, controlling chaos, keeping the world spinning on its axis – or ensuring the spin is right while the world looks the other way. They live in the U.S. President’s shadow, until they find themselves at the epicenter of a frantic attempt to save face for America – and save POTUS from himself.

The playwright dedicates this story to "any woman who’s ever found herself the secondary character in a male farce."

Tickets are available online at: https://www.billetweb.fr/potus-or-behind-every-great-dumbass-are-seven-women-trying-to-keep-him-alive.

PARENTAL ADVISORY: The show contains profanity and adult subject matter and is therefore not suitable for anyone under the age of 16.

Additional information about the play and the ATC can be found on the American Theatre Company's website: http://www.atcbrussels.com/.

Datum informatie

20:00:00 - 22:00:00



Info & Reservering

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