Masterproject Drama: Regie-Schrijven - IN THE MIDDLE OF A DREAM


Down the road, up the river, lost in eternity.
Eyes are closed, closed is shut, in the middle of a dream
We’ve got no more choice, follow flows, follow waves, outside blue, yellowish, but inside, dark and grey.
Destination, there’s no map, gotta find it out inside,
Tired of these crazy fights, all I'm waiting for is light.
See the shadows going the way in the background like the waves, friend is leaving, time to go, bye, but we gotta, gotta stay. What to stay for?
What to stand for?
Friend, the silence way to loud, underneath the moonlit shrouds, heads are purple, broken towns, broken arms and broken eyes, look at me, you can’t deny, this world is always no one's place
Neither yours and neither mine.

Who hurt the child at the entrance, before it became something else? Where did it start all this violence and what will occur when it tells?

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Date: Dimanche 09 Février Ouverture des portes : 18H00 Fermeture des portes et début du spectacle : 19h00
Nous avions accueilli une esquisse du projet en 2023 et découvert une écriture d’une puissance singulière, violente, baroque et confrontante. « Qui a dit que la colère n’était pas un puissant moteu
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