MIKE is a quintessential old soul. The 24-year-old artist’s wisdom is evident in
both his calm delivery and measured questioning. Known for introspective, subtly
profound rhymes that explore grief,
Eddie Chacon
“End of the World” is the latest track to be released from Eddie Chacon’s new album Lay Low, out January 31st on Stones Throw. The song confronts the pain of loss that Eddie has experienced in life.
Produced by and written with Nick Hakim, “End of the World” offsets dreamy production with lyrics mourning a relationship that’s come to a close – though whether it’s romantic, familial, or platonic is left deliberately open. Its message is ultimately one of hope amidst the gloom.
Eddie Chacon says: “I feel like there comes a time when you’ve got to turn the page and move onto the next thing, but it’s hard to close the chapter when all you have is faith that a better fit will come along.” He adds, “There's darkness, but there’s light to be found if you search for it. Nick understood this and created a musical landscape that feels awash in beauty struggling to find its way.”
Eddie Chacon’s thoughtful strain of R&B muses on themes like mortality, failure, and growth. On Lay Low, his third solo album and second for Stones Throw, he delves into the grief that attended the loss of his mother, Patricia. The album was recorded over two years in Nick Hakim’s Brooklyn studio, with Hakim helping build an intuitive framework for Chacon’s songs of love and letting go. The first time Eddie and Nick connected, they recorded three songs in three days. “From that point forward it seemed like we’d been working together forever,” Eddie says.
“End of the World” follows on from “Empire” ft. John Carroll Kirby; Lay Low is out on 31 January, 2025. Eddie Chacon just wrapped up a UK tour, and will play shows to celebrate the release of Lay Low in New York and Los Angeles in 2025.
********** Nederlands **********
‘End of the World’, het laatste nummer van Eddie Chacons nieuwe album ‘Lay Low’, confronteert Eddie met de pijn van het verlies in zijn leven. Het nummer werd geproduceerd en geschreven met Nick Hakim, en combineert een dromerige productie met teksten die rouwen om een relatie die ten einde is gekomen – maar of het romantisch, familiair of platonisch is, wordt bewust open gelaten. De boodschap is er uiteindelijk een van hoop te midden van de somberheid.
Eddie Chacons bedachtzame soort r&b mijmert over thema’s als sterfelijkheid, mislukking en groei. Op ‘Lay Low’, zijn derde soloalbum, duikt hij in het verdriet dat gepaard ging met het verlies van zijn moeder, Patricia. Het album werd in twee jaar opgenomen in de Brooklyn studio van Hakim, waarbij die hielp een intuïtief raamwerk te bouwen voor Chacons songs over liefde en loslaten. ‘Lay Low’ verschijnt op 31 januari 2025.