On 6 December, we want to look back at the Ornamenta 2024, regional cultural
programme in Germany’s Northern Black Forest, and celebrate the launch of
Tubelight's new magazine issue, includ
"The Dumb Waiter" from Harold Pinter by Noordhaus 2 Februari 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
Boerhaaveplein 28, 1091 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands
Harold Pinter ( b.1930) was the only Child from a East Europe working Class Jewish family. His father was a tailor, and he went to RADA to train as an actor; but hated it and left without finishing the course. During the 2nd world Blitz in London he was evacuated as a small child to Cornwall. Later, while touring Ireland with a crazy Shakespeare company he started writing plays . Deeply influenced by the theatre of the absurd. One of His first plays “The Dumb Waiter” has 2 criminals waiting for orders in a cellar from Above. The orders come, but the conclusions are shocking.
Famous for his “ Comedy of Menace”