
TCT TUNA - That Comedy Thing - Tiny Underground Newbie Award

🎤 Watch a comedian win the title Best Newbie Comedian of the Season

😬 10 local newbie comedians compete

💸 50% of the ticket price goes to the winner of the show!

🍺In one of Amsterdam's most legendary comedy locations: Volta, near Westerpark!

🎫 Seating is limited, buy your tickets now! TCT shows can sell out quick

For months we've been selecting the funniest newbie out of 10 competing comedians. Each month 1 out of 10 new comedians (all with less than 1 year experience) won the TUNA (Tiny Underground Newbie Award).

Now that the theater season is over and it's summer in the Netherlands we want to look back, present to you the winners and give you the opportunity to vote for and help award the BIG FISH, or the funniest comedian of the entire season. No acronym for that, sadly.

That Comedy Thing has been a stepping stone for beginning comedians in Amsterdam. We're all about new comedians and strive to be a propaganda machine for the exciting Amsterdam underground comedy scene.

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