Movement in Writing


Can you capture dance in words?  


At Space for Dance Art, theater maker Alper Bayrakli challenges you to transform movement into powerful writing. This is not just another writing class—it’s an adventure where dance and words collide.   


You will start with the basics and build up through different exercises, step by step. By observing dance in various ways—live ICK rehearsals, a performance, film, and more—you will be challenged to translate movement into text.   


What will we do?  

- Watch live rehearsals of ICK dancers   

- Discover how performances and films tell stories without words   

- Experiment with exciting writing exercises and unleash your creativity   


At the end, you will take the stage and bring your words to life, sharing your work with an audience in a dynamic final showcase. 


Every Tuesday from 17:00 to 18:00   

One-time fee of €5, all-inclusive 


Sign up and let dance speak through your words! 

Suggested events

Laure a une passion pour la lecture et l'écriture depuis toute petite. Elle a découvert les ateliers d'écriture à Paris. Échanger, écrire, se donner des retours, sont autant de choses qui r