Rejoignez-nous le jeudi 23 janvier pour une autre soirée inoubliable Naked
Underwear ! C'est une célébration de la positivité corporelle et de la
diversité, où chacun, peu importe sa forme, sa tail
From Athens to Brussels with love ♡
From Athens to Brussels with love ♡ Beursschouwburg
Two diggers with a burning passion for electronic music meet at the top of a lonely rooftop terrace. One hails from Belgium, the other from Germany - with roots in Greece. Vinyl connects, the groove unites.
Join them at Beursschouwburg for a Greek/Belgian unification of sensational music: Walrus b2b XDB + our lovely Bora Bora
Bora Bora 23:00 - 02:00
XDB b2b Walrus 02:00 - 05:00
No presale tickets €12 < 00:00 / €15 > 00:00
Visual made with love by pam&Jenny ♡