She-Lariouos - An all Women Stand-up Comedy Show


It's the most wonderful time of the year. That's why we have put together a wonderful group of comics together to entertain you with heartwarming stories and ludicrous gags that will have you laughing so hard, you'll be gasping for air. How do we know this? Because these acts are SHE-larious! These double-X chromosome rated line-ups are proof that women aren't as funny as men. They are waaaay funnier!

Our Amsterdam edition of SHE-larious will be our last Kult Comedy show of the year, playing at Kult's home base, the wonderful Theater De Cameleon, on the 20th of December. We have six of the funniest women in the Netherlands right now who will definitely make it worth your while. Ladies, come and cheer for these queens. Gents, take notes. You'll definitely learn a thing or two.

Featuring the best comedians in the Netherlands

Luana Matei

Elena Popa

Hester Kerkvliet

Mohna Joshi

Niamh Ni Mhoalruaniadh

Zoe Ntonta

Elissa Khawii

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