Equinox: Ritual of Resonances & Balance


"Equinox: Resonances of Balance" is not just a concert, but a ritual of transformation, a journey where sound and image align for a fleeting moment before returning to chaos.

Embark on a sonic journey where the boundaries of sound dissolve, and the ordinary is left behind. No One from Earth brings together visionary artists, creating unconventional soundscapes that stretch the limits of musical imagination. These artists craft immersive atmospheres, blending diverse genres and experimental techniques, to transport listeners to realms far beyond our own. Prepare for a voyage where the familiar becomes strange, and the unknown unfolds in unexpected ways.

Ping-En Hung | César Vidal | Toni Smith | Fabian Campuzano | Mateusz Godlewski | sugar_with_glue | SpaLtd

The WIHH Gallery's core ethos:

" It's a playground's feeling." Inclusive and open, while exploring the senses, and sharing in the experience of art in a variety of expressions.

With this curated performance we welcome the Spring Equinox.

Suggested events

"of Sound and Song" is a piano concert series presented by The Merchant House, a contemporary art gallery, and Tomoko Mukaiyama in a historical canal house in Amsterdam. As