IMPRO Amsterdam: Improvisational Theatre Festival

Zonneplein 30a, 1033 EK Amsterdam, Netherlands


30 years. 30 shows. No scripts.

IMPRO Amsterdam is one of Europe's oldest and largest improvisational theatre festivals, and in 2025 it is celebrating its 30th anniversary with 30 shows. From 15-22 February, 2025, hundreds of improvisers and theatre fans will descend on the Zonnehuis in Amsterdam Noord for eight nights of shows that prove that impro (or improv) isn't *just* comedy - it can also be dramatic, connected, highbrow, intimate, inclusive, accessible, and surprising.

IMPRO Amsterdam focuses on impro, or improv, as theatre. That means that every show on the IA stage is once-in-a-lifetime, as it is created completely on the spot - no scripts allowed. While there will be laughs, you can also expect good acting, thought-provoking themes, and a lot of emotion.

This year's lineup was selected from 550+ applications, and includes Jill Bernard (HUGE Theater, Minneapolis), Chris Mead (Hoopla, London), Kim Tan (The Improv Company, Singapore), Ella Galt (Barcelona Improv Group), Fabrizio Lobello (i Bugiardini, Rome), Kristen Schier (Kickstand Theater, Portland), Mark Jane (Paris), and David Moncada (Pontificia Universidad Javierana, Bogota).

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @improamsterdam, and buy tickets at


€25 for a full night of mainstage shows, +€3 for the late-night show.
€150 for an eight-day Festival Pass (all shows).
€2,50 for a full night for Stadspas holders.

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