Cactus Paintings: A Workshop for Creative Adults!


This workshop will celebrate cacti and prickly pears and experiment with composition, texture, and color. We will use watercolors and acrylic paints to create our cactus planters while learning about different art elements in a fun setting. There is much room for interpretation, and cacti and container variations are highly encouraged.

Everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or background. At Jonesy’s Studio, we celebrate risk-taking, growth mindsets, and authentic expression for all.


Benefits of Joining Jonesy's Workshop:

Energize Your Life! Set a wind in your sails and rejuvenate your creative brain juices.

Be Bold. Be Brave! Taking a workshop allows you to step outside your comfort zone. Trying something new gives you a sense of fearlessness to experiment and grab life by the horns.

Express Your Authenticity! Workshops let you play with techniques you never thought of and create something distinct and truly unique.

Socialize! Crafting with like-minded creatives, risk-takers, and playful people is a beautiful way to make new friends and learn from others. Of course, a little bubbly never hurt, either...

Relaxation! Creating art is a beautiful way to unwind at the end of the week and focus your energy positively.

Solid Life Choices! Lastly, taking an art workshop will help you avoid bad reality TV shows and sitting in your pajamas twiddling your thumbs on a Saturday.

Unleash your inner artist, embrace the excitement, and kick-start your weekend with creativity and fun. We can’t wait to see you there!

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