Feminist Movie-Debate Event


Based on a real serial killer case, this Iranian film explores how, collectively as a society, we create unsafe conditions for marginalized people, in this case sex workers.  

Join us for the final cinema debate evening of this year!

The cinema debate will start sharply at 19 00 in order to have enough time to dissect the entire film. 


šŸ“…: Thursday, 12 December 2024

šŸ•”: 18:30

šŸ“: Professor Carassahof 3, Eindhoven 

šŸš§ Please note that this movie has several scenes that depict violence and sexual assault. Viewer's discretion is advised.

We, the Wavers, believe that our events should be accessible to all kinds of people, irrespective of their socioeconomic status. However, in order to keep our events running, we sell tickets for our events in such a way that the costs are more or less recovered. If buying a ticket is difficult, please send us a message and we will look into it. 

Further, snacks and drinks will be provided at the event but a donation is appreciated when you buy them at the event šŸ˜„

In case you find what we do impactful, please consider donating to our organisation. Your contribution is very valuable to us šŸ’œ

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