The Man Who Saved the World (1982), often nicknamed "The Turkish Star Wars," is
a Turkish sci-fi cult film directed by Çetin İnanç. It is famous (or infamous)
for its low-
Heavy Metal: Expo on the move
15oktober 2023
-16januari 2024
Stadsmuseum Gent
Ghent City Museum, Godshuizenlaan 2, Ghent, East Flanders 9000, Belgium
At STAMplein square, a separate part of the museum with changing programmes, you can visit the exhibition “Heavy Metal”.
Finds from cities with a medieval past give us an insight into the daily lives, the work and the lifestyle of people living centuries ago. This exhibition highlights a rich, but underappreciated archaeological subject from our medieval cities: metal finds. The ‘Medieval Metal’ research project funded by the Flemish agency for immovable heritage (2020-2022) mapped the great diversity of metal objects from urban excavations. You can discover the results on STAMplein square.
Prefer not to wait in line at the ticket booth? Want to be sure you can discover the STAM when you want to? Then book your tickets online in advance and enjoy your visit to the fullest.
Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Basic price