Frantz (François Ozon, 2016)


In January we showed a documentary in which some people managed to convince us of their twisted (and self-interested) view of the reality, and the film in February showed how living in a 'virtuality' can hinder our ability to live in the reality.

In March, we will continue with related themes. We will show two films with truth and reality as key elements of their stories. The context in which we live has a large influence on how we interpret it.

The process of searching for answers may be frightening and difficult, but perhaps more important are the choices we make once we have found that knowledge.

Whether you feel you are still searching or you think you already have your answers, you are welcome to enjoy and discuss these two great films. ;-)

7th March: "The Truman Show" (1998) – 1h 43min, directed by Peter Weir.

28th March: "Frantz" (2016) – 1h 53min, directed by François Ozon.

We meet at the SKLO building (kraneweg 33, Groningen).
Open doors from 19h, and we will start around 19.30h.

Free entrance.

Suggested events

“De Breij is grappiger en onweerstaanbaarder dan ooit.” (AD ****) Claudia de Breij komt met een voorstelling over aardig zijn en aardig gevonden worden. Over overprikk
“De Breij is grappiger en onweerstaanbaarder dan ooit.” (AD ****) Claudia de Breij komt met een voorstelling over aardig zijn en aardig gevonden worden. Over overprikk
“De Breij is grappiger en onweerstaanbaarder dan ooit.” (AD ****) Claudia de Breij komt met een voorstelling over aardig zijn en aardig gevonden worden. Over overprikk